Monday, January 24, 2005
I believe I've discussed this somewhere before. I just don't remember when I did that, where I said this, how I brought up the subject, why I did so, what made me think about it, and to whom I talked to.Anyway, this might be ironic, but people that keep saying "Omg, dieing would be so much better than living.. I WANT TO DIEE!!1!!~!shiftone!1~!!" are - such - idiots. You've probably never considered how lucky you are to be alive and at least having shared your love with someone. Some people don't even have that and yet they live on for it. And all you can do is whine instead of finding a solution to your problem? Good going.
Woot, I'm trying to make myself sound so intelligent when it's total bullcrap. Again.
But seriously, why stay alive whining and if you want to end it with "NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME", go right ahead. I realised how much of attention seeking that phrase is, yah. You need a biiiig sign to tell everyone you're going to jump off your own flat? Go ahead. Many will think you're an idiot, wasting your life just because 'no one understands'.
I believe.. this is where true friendship steps in.
Today, I have realised what a true friend is like.
All my friends are true friends, because I don't see them being insincere at all. They're selfless, and really kind at heart. I have witnessed selfish people who befriend someone else just for 1) money, 2) company, and 3) just to get bossy. When it comes to helping the other friend out, he turns his back on you just to make his own burden lighter, and unwilling to aid anyone other than himself. Even if he helps, there has to be an advantage for him.
That's just what I feel lar. I despise this sort of people.
Okay, so I made myself sound very un-Singaporean-ish saying that. But seriously, where do you EVER find true friendship? There are HARDLY any of them around, and I consider myself pretty lucky, I guess. I myself have been selfish, but I do try my best to help my friends unless I really can't. I admit solemnly I used to be a very selfish f*ck. I learnt better, friendship > owning everything you can possibly own. You can't buy friendship either, I watched someone go down the drain that way. Some people might know who I may be referring to, but no names to be mentioned, yah.
OMG, how redundant I am today. I deeply apologise.
But still, I guess I do make an eensie-weensie bit of sense, yah? ._. (Say no and you're a heartless creep T_T)
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 8:18 pm