Saturday, October 08, 2005
It gets boring now, studying and whatnot. I guess I won't be blogging much now (despite the fact that I can't and have to rely on noel to help me [and thanks <3] do all that. Meh! To think I made a nice new skin which is teh pwnx0r.)Please remind me to get my ass off the net after 11, I'm starting to resemble a panda more now. It arouses lethargy in class; moreover the lessons are like.. sleep-inducing. It's just like the devil calling you to sleep. Forever. =O
Anyhow. It's good that I'm sleepy I guess. I don't waste getting mad at that gauche, rowdy and douche who's a pathetic excuse for the male gender and has never learnt that the harder he tries, the worse he looks. What, you want some bread with that whine? D:
I love consultations with HoDs. =O
[Mrs Hoe explaining exam in background]
Me: Shit, why did I put my phone in my pencilbox.. what if it rings sia..
Bzz bzz bzz. Bzz bzz bzz. Bzz bzz -
Me: OMG. Why do I have to be so zhun. "Errrrrr.."
Mrs Hoe, Rona and Yin: "What's that sound?"
[All slowly look at source of sound (aka pencilbox) and note: the four of us are located in one secluded room during the consultation, so that vibrating sound from my handphone is facking loud.]
Me: "Ahaha.. haa.. hah.. One second, excuse me. =s"
And yeah, thank goodness she doesn't mind. Imagine if it was Tiger! XD I'm keeping my phone far away from me when we have his consultation this Tuesday, for sure. =x
But it seems that so many people are studying in the school library it no longer is conducive for someone like me. I get distracted too easily (yes, I mean it. Silence is the only way out for me, even though I hate silence ._.)
But bah. Let's all be optimistic okay? I have my inspirations! People to look up to! Places to go! Courses to take! People to own! YES! Sieg heil! D:
Uh sorry. Let's end it here with me saying I love John and Denys (they are TEH SECKZ! <3) and I'm not afraid to admit it! XD Okay, so it's not love love, but they are utterly... incredible. And it's a plus because they're Victorians~
Hah. But yeah, so far, they've been my inspiration for English, and because they're such fucking talents, I am going to worship them. X3
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 10:59 am