Friday, June 17, 2005
Hmm, this look familiar?
I know it's been some time since Sports day, but I just found it anyway.
Well, I got it off the school webpage, believe it or not. Oh and, if you're asking why the hell I went there.. it's because I wanted to be a good girl and look at the e-LMS website. But due to the poor ability to navigate, I couldn't find head or tail.. or my assignment. *walks away whistling*
Can I sue them? Can I, can I? Puhleeeeese? I look so totally horrid there, I wonder wth I was smoking. o_o (and if you can't tell which I am.. DON'T EFFIN ASK. There are only 3 chinese girls in there.. and if you cockeye'd people can't see it don't ask =_=)
Anyway, they also used this pic for the DSA website, as the BLOODY BACKGROUND!!! *STAB STAB STAB!!* Heck, seriously the school needs a forum. Then I can complain the whole day though since I'm a forum addict.. but then again, it's people like me that would kill the school forum since that's what I'll do all day - flaming stupid people with lack of English comprehension, blabbering away like asscracks unable to stop ripping pungent farts, telling the school loopholes in rules, endlessly raving and ranting about flaws and such (oh btw their gfx sucks, I could own them hands down), and people that can't type legibly to save their shrivelled left testicle in there.
BRAINF*CKS!!! *shakes angry fist*
/end rant
There, much better now.
Anyway, I finished watching Bleach #36, and I must say, it was disappointing. I didn't get to know entirely what was in Aizen's letter to Momo, no Hitsugaya feature, and the most disappointing factor: the fight between Ichigo and Ken-chan hasn't started. Sigh, I think the fight is next epi.. well, it'd better be, or I'm going to strangle Kubo Taite for dragging. D: Ending song featured that old Yama, that 一番 taichou and his vice-captain, of which I have never seen, or heard of. o_o Kon's feature was also of Yama-jii, I wonder how the hell he fights when he's so old and.. (no offense to min XD) turtle-like o____o; Bah, 5 days to go!
I just checked DeviantART, and noticed that WTF! Whoever made Min's blog design, took it off DA. The picture, of two kids drawing is from Kidchan( a famous artist in DA)'s sister. Link can be found here. Like hell, and I was pretty startled to find it. Does have people stealing art from DA? o____o;
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 4:39 pm