Saturday, June 11, 2005
I feel so sick.. everytime I am out of an air-conditioned/cold area and into a warmer place, I start sneezing like hell, and have puffy eyes like I was just crying. Gaahh, must be something wrong with me x_x I don't like it.. feeling so sick in the mornings. Grr.Changed song to houkiboshi, I <3 this song just because it featured Hitsugaya this time around. Besides, it's funky. Heh.
Anyway, Bleach 35 was damn damn damn kewl.
Turn back if you haven't watched and do not wish to know.
Bleach 35!
Aizen is still dead.
Oh, sorry... too soon?
Momo's world has come shattering down.. but look! It's Shuuhei!
The realization that she'll never have a date for prom!
Hi! I came to grin at you in the face of your misfortune! =] *finger wave*
Random Hitsugaya appearance.
And someone has stolen the color.
Did you steal the color, Hitsugaya?
Gin, did you steal the color and then try to frame Hitsugaya?
Scariest face ever.
ZOMG! Eyes! Er, eyes and lines...
But Kira-kun, I just want to kill your captain based on no real proof of guilt..
Uhm, sorry... but I can't allow that. (WTF? Is Kira an elf now?!)
They're fighting over me.... I feel sexy.
But, I just wanna stab him a couple of times...
I still feel sexy...
*intense stare*
Uhm, Kira... could you please move so I can kill your captain.
I said "Move!"
I said "Umm.... No!"
'Tobiume' was so much cooler when I thought that the fire would be the actual color of fire and not pink. I mean I know "plum" is part of it's name but it could have at least been dark purple-ish.
Hey... that's so not cool. Second-hand smoke is dangerous!
I look so cool standing here with the wind blowing and all this smoke... I feel even more sexy.
Oh no you didn't! Do you know how much product it takes to get my hair like this? I could have burst into flames!
Look it's a giant flaming sword.
Uh oh. Somebody's pissed...
And maybe a little crazy.
Denied again!
No fighting in the halls.
Okaaaaay, so it takes two people to hold off Momo...
But only one to hold off Kira. But then again it is Hisagi isn't it..
Umm... like wtf, Momo? I told you to watch out for the 3rd Division... not try to kill them!
Oh, that's not the same thing?
Look how tiny Hitsugaya is!
Don't you just wanna take him home and let him live in a shoebox?
Someone should call CSI: Soul Society.
I love how they're taking her away, and yet they don't take the sword out of her hand.... that's just smart dealings.
I still grin the face of your misfortune.
I remember back when all that smiling would freak me out..
Whoa. Look at me. I can go blue green.
Oh yeah? I can go pink red.
Pink red? WTF? That's kinda weird.
I'm leaving.. weirdo.
I win.
Elsewhere in Soul Society, Ganjyu is having a peaceful slumber...
...and has Hanatarou drooling on him.
Huh? What's this arrow pointing at?
Ewwww! That's not cool man! Not! Cool!
What the hell are you doing?
Noooo!! Make the happy family plot bunnies go away!!!
What the hell are you looking at?
Dude, stop that! You're making me feel uncomfortable!
I wonder if he's still staring at me...
*sigh* It's so hard being the main hot guy. Everyone always staring at me and shipping me with everyone...
Ahhh.... I love being the star.
Ah! No! Wait! I'm too young for that!
Wah! Don't touch me there!
Save me! Save me!
The hell?
It was just a dream..
Uhmm... about what?
Hi there Ken-chan! I mean... shadowy figure!
Hmm, white fuzzy border.. washed out colors.. I conclude we are in a flashback!
No really.... you think?
Hey. Why are you on the ground?
Dang, I thought you might be female so I could see upskirt.
Eew, Ichigo must like purple.
I hate how his hair is the brightest thing in this flashback.
I have nothing to say.
But, Chad's back in the story... that's always good.
I can't make fun of Chad. He's just too cool.
I mean just look at him! Totally cool and awesome... like some sort of fusion between cool and awesome.
Ooh! He's getting all glowy again...
This scene was pretty cool. I don't think we've ever seen exactly how Chad's arm gets the armor on it.
Eh? What the hell is that?
This is the 4th Division's special energy pill.
You take it and you'll get a huge burst of energy.
Dude.. why is there a skull on it?
What? It's perfectly safe.
Watch. I'll show you. *pops into mouth*
Wait for it.. I think I'm starting to feel something.
*magical tune* Twiingg~
Yep. See, totally safe.
Man. I feel so recharged. We should hurry up and go so I can use this energy.
Wait, wait, WAIT! Are you sure that worked?
What? It totally worked.
Don't I look refreshed? When this is over and you guys are all on the ground not able to breathe all the ladies will be like "Oh Hanatarou. You have so much energy! We love you!"
Uh huh. Suuure they will...
I get the feeling we've been here before..
Well, I guess I should continue on my quest to take Rukia to prom.
Are you sure she'll even go with you?
She won't go with Ichigo. Now that I'm recharged Rukia-san will go to prom with me.
Stop talking.
Ichigo, I mean.. if I were Rukia I wouldn't go with you. That other guy seemed hotter than you. Cool sword, cool shades, better hair..
Don't forget the tattoos. Those tattoos were sexy. You should get some tattoos, Ichigo.
No! Bad Ichigo. No hurting Hanatarou.
Do you really think Rukia will turn me down?
Well he does have a higher paying job and a status of authority, plus he has an in with her brother.
Don't forget the hottness.
Bad Ichigo! Baaaad Ichigo! *whacks with newspaper*
So you're both against me, huh?
Yep, pretty much.
Well then, screw you guys. I'm leaving. See if you get a Christmas card! Hmph.
We're sorry, Ichigo. (Damn Hanatarou is short. XD)
ZOMG! I stare at nothing!
That scene transition had a lot of vibes.
Where's the big and tall store?
Th-th-that way. Past the record store and bathroom. But if you hit the food court, you've gone too far.
Are you sure?
Yes. Please don't kill me! I have a wife and three kids. No! Four kids! Six Kids! A dozen kids!
Uh. Okaaay.. thanks then.
Hahaha! You think I'll just let you escape. Fat chance!
Denied for a third time!
Oh shit.
That's not cool.
Uuwah! I'm so sorry! I'll never do it again! I promise!
Ummm... whatever.
All right, we've been standing here too long.
True. We have been standing here a long time but...
...that's a helluva lot of stairs...
Let's master those stairs.
Oh that was just dumb.
That was pretty dumb.
Shut up. I'm the main character.. anything I say is automatically cool.
This picture should be viewed to the song "Eye of the Tiger"
Chad runs really weird right here.
Look at that totally important building. This is your chance to breathe before I fangirl all over the place...
I see a shadowy foot... what could that shadowy foot be connected to I wonder...
He's just laying there.... ready to be sexed up.
And who is that little number by the window?
Hey look! There's Chad! He's like a little ant. He can live in the shoebox with Hitsugaya. X3
Aww, his nap is over. :(
Feel the sexual tension...
This may be the only time we ever see Shunsui in his captain's coat alone. (Look at the pretty wavy hair...)
In case you don't know, Shunsui has two Soul Cutter swords. Cause he's just that awesome.
There was a Nanao~chan in there somewhere...
Ooohhh~ I love my Bleach OTP so much.
I can't let my little Nanao~chan get hurt...
Sexual Harassment! Sexual Harassment!
Denied one more time!
Ow! Nanao~chan is a meanie! :<
I'll sue you! (I love Nanao's "Big Book of Randomness" as I like to call it. It's like super thick and she carries it almost all the time.. yet does nothing with it)
Awww... don't they make a great
Awww... no more Nanao~chan after this.
Awww, we're running out of Shunsui too.
Is the anime to chapter 104 yet?
*puts "Eye of the Tiger" back on*
Am I the only one who thinks it's a bad idea to have Hanatarou in the back? He's not the most graceful person.. he could trip and fall down the stairs.. then what?
Hey look, it's Rukia!
And she's still looking out the window...
Are we there yet?
Sad Rukia...
Run Ichigo! You're so... not close to getting there...
Later Slowbies!
Man that energy pill sure is working. I'm gonna save Rukia and she'll be all "Oh, Hanatarou! You have so much energy. I'll totally go to prom with you."
We should have taken that pill too.
Look! They made it to the top of the stairs.
Great. Someone stole the color again.
Who was it? Was it you Rukia?
Empty those pockets Ichigo. I want to see clean, black pockets.
Hi there not shadowy figure!
Oh my! What sharp teeth you have!
Now for some shots from the ending!
Hey Ganjyu finally made it in there!
Captain of the 10th Division Hitsugaya Toushirou!!! *SQUEAL*
Yes. He's short. Get used to it.
Vice Captian of the 10th Division Matsumoto Rangiku! X3
Yes. She has big boobies. Get used to it.
Hitsugaya and Hyourinmaru
He's another one of those young punks with a sword as big as he is...
*is dead from the adorableness*
Tsk. Matsumoto is so lazy.
I think she might have a hangover.
Where the hell are they that they're dressed in uniform yet still surrounded by people with swords?
Look at him! So tiny! (I so feel like struck by Reducto...)
Uh oh, maybe I shouldn't have said "tiny."
Hitsugaya-taicho and Matsumoto-futaicho (have the best little ending thing here. It's so cool looking!)
Leading the 10th Division with shortness and boobs.
Bleach 36 will feature... a dazed Hanatarou!
Freaked out Ichigo!
A battle to the death between Yachiru and Hanatarou to see who is really the cutest Shinigami!
And Really freaked out Ichigo!
Who was in Kon's preview you ask? Why none other than your friendly neighborhood Hanatarou.
Ahhh! Fangirl stampede!!
- 終わり - END -
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 9:45 am