Monday, February 28, 2005
Today's lessons were easy-peasy slimey-weasy. Did a lot of annotations; we were practically looking at the boards and screen for the whole day and writing, writing, writing. Really, nothing else to do. Wrote a poem on Chinese lesson - how more idiotic can I get.At 12.10, the people that took O level eMaths and Chinese were to take their results. I didn't go for both, since I didn't take either subject last year. But if I did take them, and PASSED and I mean I don't care how much, so long as it's a pass, I'd jump jump jump jump and somehow die of delirium.
.... Somehow.
Uh, back on track, we had fun looking at the ex-BPians from the class window and of course, I saw some particular *beep*s I didn't really feel like seeing. I didn't even bother to wave much when I saw some at the canteen later at the break. Ahh yes, anti-social. Whatevv. Would love to have shoved my wallet up the mouth and down her gullet though. *cocks a feral smile, raising the wallet in hand with threatening gestures*
Aaaanyway. We went up to the hall; hot, bothered and did I mention hot? Yeah. So well, we just waited, waited, and waited. Then finally our dear principal spoke. I still don't understand why we're under the media again; cameras were present, and filming her. *camera lens shatters* She then announced all the names of people with 5 distinctions and up till the last person, who was our top student and also the nation's top MALAY student! Woot, props to him. =3 Finally, a male that has emerged as top BPian! Yayyys. *applaudes*
I hope I make it this year. I would SO love to get 5 distinctions. At least. Even though my Humanities, Maths and 2nd lang is going to be such a drag. Sigh. At least I have only 6 subjects to worry about, I really think I'd burst if I took 7 again. Well, we can do it 5A!
... I hope. ._.
I went home after school straight, but before I went home, I dashed to Lot1 and bought myself more books. *nod nod* Even Jerry calls me a nerd now, yay. Finally no more terrible insults on being a procrastinating lian, and only nerdy nerdy me. Was supposed to go out.. but it started to pour heavily, so I couldn't. Damn. DamndamndamnDAMN.
Meet my pet, sparkiee! XD
adopt your own virtual pet! |
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 3:41 pm