Thursday, September 16, 2004
Pretty ordinary morning.Woke up late again.
Had to run to chase the bus.
Then it all happened...
I got on the bus and stood at the place where I usually did, at the big empty space. Up came all the others, and a kid not more than 10 years of age, I should say. He started yelling, "going to be late liao lar! I don't want go school next time le.. MOVE LAR! Block my way.. animals!"
So yeah, naturally I thought; "wtf is wrong with this kid?" And just stared at him, just like everyone else on the bus did. I thought the man in front of him was his father, since he was pretty nonchalant about the whole situation. Afraid not. He shoved the man aside and yelled something like "move lar so slow! I'm late already still block! Animals!!" He seems to like that word alot, eh?
So yeah, he's probably a kid who's.. well.. mentally unstable. *shrugs* Oh well.
At the bus-stop near Zhi Hui's house, I scooted to the exit door to ease myself from sqeezing in the crowd to exit the bus later on. Wanted to say "hi" to Siow Chian who was beside me at the exit, but since she's always that anti-social... narrh.
All of a sudden, the kid's voice comes booming from the back of the bus. "Move lar all of you! I want to go out later.. late already still don't want let me go. I next time don't want to go school liao lar!", and pushing everyone boarding the bus at that moment away from his path. Those who were smart enough dodged him.
Horror of horrors, he walks up next to me, and PUSHES me aside. Embarrassing as it was, I scowled and was going to refuse to budge and push him back instead, but I couldn't help thinking he's a kid who's mentally unstable. You're in school uniform. What if he turns around and hits? Narh, don't risk fighting. So I let him have the exit. I couldn't move to the other one, since Siow Chian was standing there. She's probably laughing at me.. that... argh. *flushes from embarrassment*
While he's at my spot where I was standing a few seconds ago, he continues to curse, whine and swear at the whole world. "I don't want to go to school lar.. make me go there. Waste time, stupid people!! Stupid!" Pissed off, I just stood behind him and hissed, "Shut up lar."
That's not all.
What really shocked me was that he said something that totally freaked me out.
"I don't want to go - Of course I'm talking to you lar Chris (right then I was thinking "Of all people to have a ghost friend.. why the name Chris?" *bawls*), then who!? Ghost ah??" The boy yelled. Obviously, he wasn't talking to any Chris, for he was facing the door and I was the closest person beside him. So, this kid has lost his mind. *shudders* I backed away a few steps, only to step on someone's foot. I didn't see who but I apologised anyway. I wasn't in the mood to yell if he yelled back.
When we arrived at the school bus-stop, I waited for him to go down to see where he actually studies at.. or wherever he is supposed to be. I stood behind him, and expected him to alight, but he didn't. He just stood there, silent. Furious for shoving me aside to "get down the next stop" and swearing like his mother owned Singapore, I took the right exit, and on the steps I glared at him hissing, "Ta ma de.. want to go down push me aside, now don't go down kao bei kao bu so much. Next time see you diam can? Chee bye.." And stormed off, glaring at the kid.
Of course, doing that just made me regret even more. I was in my school uniform and I just swore in public. Gloria.. you are a moron I tell you. Dufus, in a better word. As if having an internal conflict with myself wasn't enough, after the bus passed by I just had that urge to stick out and point that middle finger to the boy. Knowing well enough not to, I didn't.
And the dumbass of an Operations Manager just had to make my day worse by making the cabin classrooms only accessible to electricity at 7.30am. Of course, lovable me wrote a letter since he wasn't there. Late school staff. Pfft I say, PFFFFT. And even if he was there, hell I'd kill him. Even Tiger was there, and he'll back me up since the power supply in our class is also screwed. I'm gonna make his schooling life a living hell, that wrinkled tiko-faced flirter of school attendants piece of prunehead.
Ahhh, finally ranted it all off. Feels muucccchh better. *sits down and materialises a cup of pure vanilla ice blended, sipping on it while watching AXN*
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 5:38 pm