Friday, January 25, 2008
Kay, I have officially moved to:FC2 blogs. Even though I can only comprehend so little of it, I think it's fun to use it. :3
Well, I still need to learn how to change my current template cause this one is.. so.. girly and pink omgawsh. o____o; AND how the hell do I add links?! Muri daaaa DX
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 6:39 pm
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Kay. is pissing me off to hell with template (no, I even started out from scratch and this biatch won't work properly), which is why you see my old Alice Nine blogskin =___=I'm probably switching blogs. <__<
Kai, aiai, anta-tachi no burogu oshietekureru? ;;
Audition has new modes, going to chiong tonight. Special BBoy, ossu!
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 8:14 pm
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Oh god. Today I went to mail Corey's present, and it was like $49.95 can. But the girl damn nice la, tell me I wrap nice still got draw snowflakes on the wrapper XD Then she cannot stuff the present into the envelope (yes, it's in a biiiig envelope cause she say if use box either too big or small .__.) then struggle so hard scare me unnya;; Corey told me all I'll be getting my jacket and other puresento soon too! YATTA (: But cannot let papa and mama see.. ato de taihen da naaa. -_-I.. really need money le. D: Probably work for mama ba! Then go back to slacking. Hoho!
Omg, I think I know why I like Hibari too.
He looks just like..
... No wonder nya~
But still..
UOOO I need to find his Vongola ring!
Corey was showing me this skater who had the same name as him: Corey Duffel.
I don't know why, but I am into these again. Someone give me money and I will highlight my hair red. Omgawsh. ): Corey Duffel is my hairstylin idol.
Heart. <3
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 7:26 pm
Monday, January 14, 2008
omqqx. okaaee, iie d0o s0methiinq differentx t0daee kkaez?t0dae wiee aree qoinqqx tuh leearn h0w tuh twiit lykk aa pr0.
iie am n0rt der beest but can sEe dhat iie reallie trie maie besht l0rhs. iie dunch undershtand whaii wie aree sh0 miishunderst0od, but iie thiink itx cozx dhey aree all vehh jeal0us 0f us cozx wie are lykk, sh0 keewt wheen wie are twiitinq l0rhsx. dunch kn0es whai dhey thiink it's n0rt keewtx. haiihs luurhx.
WOW LMAO K I'LL STOP. I think I just hurt my brain from typing that.
Swear to god my IQ drops whenever someone doesn't type in proper English to me.
As much as twitting is concerned, eventually people grow up and away from their twitting days. I reMeMbeR i WaS aCtUaLLy tYpinG lYk ThIs OnCe, ToO.
Then I was like aw fuck it, and decided to be an actual sane person.
Mmkai, time to watch some more Reborn then play Audi. Stupid rain la, I wanted to go mail my present, but now cannot. Buu.
I stared at this for very long.
Reborn + Bleach?! EEEH?
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 3:59 pm
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I had so much fun spending time out there for my bestestestest buddies.7 years of friendship, don't pray pray!
..... Even if we had to go there on a rickety bus with roaches, LOL! That was the funniest part of the trip, seriously..
Cake before:
Cake after:
Aaaah DX We gobbled the cake like crazy people. We didn't cut it properly cause it's damn fun to actually just have a group of people tuck in and attack the cake at the same time, hur! :D
The food was really nice some more. Thanks to Clayton's mama and papa, we had a wonderful dinner! Too bad we didn't really turn around and go like "SHIOK AH!" HAHAHAAHA. But still we thanked them sincerely, and I'm glad it was so much fun.
Hucky sent me so many pictures of Kei! OU! Damn cute can.
I didn't know this top can show belly! :O
Aaah, I miss minna so so much! orz
I watched more Reborn! episodes le :D
I DON'T KNOW WHY I LIKE HAYATO! Usually I will like quieter chars like Yamamoto or Hibari but this time.. 如何して?!
まぁ,could be the white hair. Or the fact that Hayato-chan plays the piano X3
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 12:18 pm
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Let it snow,Let it snow,
Let it snow~
Pictures of blustery, cold, and most importantly, snowy New York! :D I wish I was there. They said they couldn't make me a snowman. ):
Korii says:
We tried so hard to make you a snowman too, but it was so cold out that the snow wouldn't pack, it was just all crystalized.
No matter, there's snow!
gloria; 激しく lady says:
gloria; 激しく lady says:
gloria; 激しく lady says:
Picture comprehension has never been so fun. :>
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 8:32 am
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Somehow, I fixed my computer. But it's still being a cranky ass beech, and I have to reformat it one way or another. I NEED AN EXTERNAL HARD DISK, RAWR!Or a new one, so I can actually throw my stuff there, then reformat this old 75gb hunnay.
I got to play with minna again! I MISSED HUCKLEBEE :> She's so talented in drawing and making people smile! I'm so glad I actually got to know her, yay!
I NEED SOMEONE WITH A CREDIT CARD. I'm not going shopping, but it's urgent!
... Well, kinda.
KAI! AIAI! NEXT MONTH KEI WEAR SUPA-SECRET! I like but I don't know if you guys would like. Weeeew! X:
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 10:41 pm