Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I think I know what I want to get for myself with newfound munnay.Oh before that let me announce that:
Yes, almost half a year of bao-ka-liao nursing is torturous. I decided 1k a month wasn't entirely worth the satisfaction and knowing that people there don't ALWAYS need to be uh.. healed? Whatever.
Thing is, I can put up with the fact that if you're really sick and need medical attention, we're there for you. But if it's only because you're rich and you want something done about your itch down there, the screw off because I don't really think I'm capable of gritting my teeth and bearing with you. ._.
But I'll sure miss one of my favourite patients - who is now carrying twins of different gender. Yes, long fong tai! I was so happy when the fetal anomaly report came out; they were going to be so glad to know that one of them's a girl. Too bad, their next appointment would be on my birthday, and I'm no longer working there.
Well, deep down I know I did at least learn something in the medical line but I guess this is where it stops. As much as I like medicine, there is no way I can actually pursue that since technically to take an MBBS would require going through JC, and uh, not happening since people recall my Chinese as a yes, phail~
So I'll forget about it and go back on the topic on WHAT TO SPEND FOR THYSELF!
Few things in mind, actually.
- Bicycle. A really spiffy one. (The last time anyone got me a bike was on my 10th birthday. After 9 years, I'm pretty damn sure I need another one.)
- Nintendo DS Lite, because there's really nothing to do when I'm on the bus/taxi.
- PS2, for Kingdom Hearts' goodness.
- Hurry Blizzard with the new expansion.
- Get the new expansion.
- A new MP3 because my sister kaboom'd mine quite some time back and it's now public embarrassment #1.
- Plane ticket to FLORIDA. D: (Like that's happening but hey this is a wishlist.
- Clothessssss. I seriously haven't gone shopping in AGES AND IT'S KILLING ME.
- One of which being a Burberry scarf. ;-;
- Plenty of accessories. Sucks that I only have like a few earrings and most of them I don't wear cause I tend to be a hazard to myself when I wear dangling earrings.
- I want that LV card holder album thingy. The REALLY nice Gucci one is only $400, damn it.
- Driving license~
- Highlights on my hair, zomfg.
- New specs
- New phone (Sony Ericsson, yummy!)
- www.jinx.com/blizzard has this Horde jacket. Mewaaaaaantttssssss.
... Ok, I'm done (for now).
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 11:02 pm