Tuesday, January 31, 2006
On the third day of CNY I woke up to see:That I was crying.
I don't want to go there.. I don't want to see you ever ever again.
I swore myself I'd never see you for the rest of my life.
I really don't want to go, but I had reasons that would leave me in a lose-lose situation. I took the less painful choice.. I went.
Anyway, gambled a bit again. I was reluctant to since I didn't bring money, nor did I want to stay long enough to harbour thoughts about you.
Won $6 this time, but the most for playing in such a short time considering I had nothing to my name and was playing slowly with fifty cents.
Seeing someone you have that love-hate feeling for is so irritating.
Oh, anyway..
Only 20+ dollars.
Oh well, $60 to go. :x
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 11:56 am
Another 70+ dollars.
$80 to go. >_>
Isn't it pathetic how I don't get $50 anymore?
I can't go to places with a lot of parents, because many parents = more kids. I don't my mum to go crazy paying more than I "earn".
Oh well, I've already decided what I'd wear to Mr Chan's house. ^^
Come on Gloria, must get more or I'll end up having Daddy sponsor everything again! (Although that might sound like a good thing, mum will probably try everything in her power to have Daddy's money go to her instead. She's such a scroogette.)
I feel bad winning a lot at Celestin's house haha.. I probably had the most profits apart from Hui jiejie and Uncle Miang. I was lucky, then I started losing.. then my luck changed and I gained back what I had and a lot more. XD
Sis: "Ah got to go soon.. Aiyah, just play last one la." *throws $2 note down* (We were playing with the kids, so $2 was the max bid)
*All in awe*
Hui jiejie: "Wah, okay.." *opens her cards* "HAH! BAN LAK!"
*Everyone bowls over with laughter*
Me: "Jie, you owe me two bucks."
Sis: *gives that sian jipua face* "Wah so suayyy.."
Gonna wrap it up for today, my fingers are numb from throwing banlaks and yi tiao longs, hahaha. XD
Good night, hope everyone's having a great time!
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 12:21 am
Monday, January 30, 2006
On the second day of Chinese New Year my sister said to me,"I'm sleepy~"
Some CNY this is turning out to be.. >_>
I bet she was thinking, "since mum ticked me off all the more I shall not go."
Tsk, kids.
You making someone angry on CNY is worse than getting angry during this season.
Oh well, have your fun at home then.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 10:10 am
Sunday, January 29, 2006
第一天:Fifty two dollars.
$148 to go!
So far so good..
*rubs hands with glee*
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 9:47 pm
On the first day of Chinese New Year my black cat gave to me,
A bite with some scratches on my knee~
My cat is pure unadulterated evil.
Stupid feline..
We found that her collar had slipped off, so my sister and I were trying to put on the new one for her. While I sayang'd her, my sister attempted to slip the collar on.. but to no avail.
Sabbath backed away, after attempting to claw out our eyes. Then, standing still for a second, she jumped and lauched her second assault on my right leg.
With total success of course; now I have another scar to add to my collection of body injuries. It's still bleeding profusely.. I just have to thank my lucky stars that Sabbath doesn't have rabies to totally annihilate me.
*grumbles* She's so fat without a collar, stupid ingrate.. >_>
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 2:59 pm
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Happy Lunar New Year everyone!Only a few minutes before it officially is, but that doesn't really matter, does it.
I can't believe I finally cleared up my room! It's soooo much cleaner now, and I love it. =) Took me the whole morning and afternoon though, my back's aching from wiping, climbing and scrubbing all over now haha.
Anyhow, I had a reunion dinner at my grandparents' house, where we were lou hei-ing with smoked salmon and unfortunately a tad too much of that sauce thingy. But the salmon was undoubtedly teh awesomes!
The dinner wasn't so fancy this time, even though it consisted of my favourite soup with abalone, side dishes like veggies and scallop, and of course my grandmother's peranakan special ayam buah keluak (haha, brings back 'Emily of Emerald Hill' memories, people?) which I finally tried (after countless attempts because I couldn't stop laughing) but didn't really get to savour the taste since I just swallowed the small, sticky powdered nut thing after everyone told me it was to be pretty bitter. Remind me never to try that thing again haha!
Renewing my what-to-spend-on list:
- New going-out shoes
- Exclusive Bleach/FMA calendar~!
- That Elle wallet
- Adhesive fur print for pencil
- Trade in phone for a new one
- Esprit handphone strap
- Richard Pelzer's "A Brother's Journey"
- New ear/headphones
- New bag for school, but haven't decided which.
- Frameless/bold-framed spectacles
- Take stenography course
- Any one of the FF games
- Bleach #1 Japanese Edition
- New spiffy notebook
- Sketchpad
- Wooden manequinn
- Laptop (rely on Daddy for this one)
- CLOTHES! (brands, styles and places may differ.)
- But definitely a pair of Samuel and Kevin 3/4s
Hence, I need to set a target. I am putting on my best smiles for everyone to get more angbaos! $200 this year! Any less and I'll keel myself, rawr. D:
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 11:51 pm
Friday, January 27, 2006
Was great going back to BP!The security guard uncle remembers me for my cheeky grin! But it was so weird, everyone was just staring at the 3 of us during recess.. Like we were on our way to be beheaded or something. D: Apart from that, Mr Chan brought Enqi along, and Mr Sim Meng Hoe with his son! Enqi was sooo shy again, but she eventually warmed up and was hyper again :x She wouldn't even let anyone but Rona carry her haha!
We then skipped the rest of the show to have nasi briyani, and got back in time to watch the lion dance troupe! Nothing really fancy this year, no tables, no danger, but the stupid sec 1s were throwing sweets and objects at the lion. They should know better that the people underneath the shiny lion would have kicked them in the nuts and beat them shitless if they weren't performing. They should at least realise who they're messing with lol, the ex-students aren't really to be trifled with. :x
At the end of the celebrations, Mr Sim lost his son (but was found eventually), and Enqi finally went home to get the sleep she deserved.
After leaving school, Rona, Yin, Qian Nan and I went to Lot1 to grab lunch, and I found out the cold truth about my NLB fines. Seems that "I" borrowed the book at Febuary 2002, returned it at May 2002 when its due date was March.
I see no logic in this. At 2002, I never had an I/C, but I swear I never went near anything about Japan. I only started studying the language at June, where I gained interest from reading manga.
And, if I was to borrow it so long ago, why do they only send the letter NOW? Why not last year? Or the year before? And if this was in my records, why do they only fine me now, when I had clear records last year?
This is so stupid. -_-
Oh well, enough of unhappy news. It's the new year! At least we'll get to see everyone again next Saturday; Mrs Hoe in the morning, Mr Chan in the afternoon, and Shen lao shi in the evening.
Can't wait!
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 3:50 pm
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Argh.I am so. Sososososososo busted.
Apparently, the NLB has sent a letter claiming that I owe an outstanding charge of $15.90 for God knows what travel books.
Tokyo for free?
Traveler's Japan companion?
The evidence is against me since people know I'm kinda obsessed with Japan and stuff. BUT I SWEAR I DID NOT DO IT THIS TIME! I haven't gone to the library to find any lame travel books at all, dang it! >_< I don't even dream of going to Japan, much less spend my time (or lack of) wasting myself on guidebooks like those!
Daddy is going to so blow his top unless I get to the bottom of this.
The only times I went to the library was when I was looking for reference on recipes for a cake for Teachers' Day with Rona and Yin. And when I checked then, my account was clear of any charges!
The NLB has made a grave mistake I tell you, A GRA-FECKING-VE MISTAKE! For an error I did not make is a fine I shall not pay!
I, Gloria Chua, am as innocent as a kitten!
Okay maybe not
I am going to call them up, and annihilate anyone in my way. No one's taking a single cent from my angbao munnies! NO ONE!
Rant of the day
Why do people have to force others to "write a testimonial" or "tag my blog" "plxplxplxplxzplxplzpxlzx"?
Irritating dickwads.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 5:42 pm
Monday, January 23, 2006
Watched Memoirs of a Geisha today.Zhang Ziyi was supposed to play as a 15-year old geiko.
I still wonder why they chose her. Okay, maybe she does have a bit of a pretty face with nice facial features and looks okay in a kimono, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have chosen a real Japanese girl who's able to speak in the Japanese-English accent!
In the cinema, I was happily talking to my mum and sis.. when 4 gentlemen (should I even call them that? Haha!) came into the theatre.
One with spiky hair
One with a neat appearance, polo tee and spectacles
One with golden hair
And the last one with all of the above.
You guessed it; it was the four 5A cheena guys.. Andy, Zichun, Yanliang and Hanwei respectively. Instantly my reaction was:
"OH SNAP!" *hides face with hotdog box*
At least they didn't spot me, even though my dear sister was yelling my name ceaselessly to much of my dismay. I'm watching a show with my family! I cannot be shown to the gentlemen while I'm at my weakest! ;_;
Well, the movie was nice and made me remember how the book went. Oh well, at least now I don't have to buy it again. I'll have to buy the Richard Pelzer book though, getting it once my angbao money is here. :D
Saw min as well! And my mei with her classmate, and I think Yewchin, my old primary schoolmate.
He saw me, I saw him (holding on to his girlfriend like he was trying a piggyback), and he just kept looking at me. I threw one last glance and notices he almost kept pushing his gf forward into a wall.
I need to watch my movies elsewhere. >_> People think my hair really makes me lian. WELL FOR YOUR HOLY INFORMATION uncivilised neanderthals of golden haired-ness, I classify my hair somewhere out of YOUR league. So go shove your lian comments elsewhere, like up your ass and to the left.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 9:13 pm
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I'm sure when you were younger, naive and oblivious to the world around you, some of you have wondered what this box of "Durex" brand could be at the 7-eleven or NTUC cashiers when you never heard of Gonohorrea, let alone a box of condoms which supposedly makeI don't know how my MSN conversations digress so much from (mind you, these are actual quotes!) from this:
To all-of-a-sudden-BOOM this:
"i saw some packs which said "chocolate flavored" and "strawberry flavored""
No names shall be mentioned as to whoever that was, but two things I can deduce from that last phrase.
gloria says:
1) guys like to make it fun for girls,
2) guys just taste really horrible.
Of course, the former is definitely almost always unlikely, so meh, don't blame the rubber tubing, gentlemen. Just admit you don't taste as nice as chocolate or strawberry. It's okay, at least you can come in flavours now! =) (OHO NO PUN INTENDED I SWEAR)
Apart from that, gonna watch Zhang Ziyi screw up tomorrow!
Then I have to buy the book again because my sister's friend destroyed it.
Today, my grandmother told me I should get stenography lessons since I have a good grasp of English. Not like it's top-notch, but stenography does sound interesting indeed.. I don't mind, and besides, it could land me in a reporter's position or better - a secretary. But as if that'd ever happen. I don't want to be a prissy waiting around my boss. I AM the boss. =D
Doesn't hurt to dream, anyway.
Oh and, bought shoes for the festive season (hey can't help it I love to spend!). I can't believe I actually tried and bought something trendy.
I need to breathe.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 9:08 pm
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Things I have to buy when I get angbao munny:- That Elle wallet
- Adhesive fur print for pencil
- Esprit handphone strap
- Richard Pelzer's "A Brother's Journey"
- New ear/headphones for Neeon
- Wooden manequinn (if applicable)
- New bag for school, but haven't decided which.
- Frameless/bold-framed spectacles
- Take stenography course
- New spiffy notebook
- Trade in phone for a new one
- Laptop (rely on Daddy for this one)
- Samuel and Kevin three-quarters
- More tops (brands, styles and places may differ in lieu of poly styles)
- And maybe:
1) Illustration book
2) Bleach #1 Japanese Edition
3) Jpop CD
4) All of the above. =D
But ladies, we have some serious shopping to do.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 6:44 pm
Friday, January 20, 2006
Sashiburizzles~! Only been two days since I blogged and already I have that sinking feeling like forgetting to feed Sabbath.Well that infuriating feline has been a lot better since she first came back, but she simply adores my bed now. She wakes me up in the morning just to get me off the bed to allow her on it. v_v
On to some more refreshing news, I found a job, have a chauffeur pick me up at 6 every evening to drop me off at East Coast where I dine at the best, with the best.
I wish..
No, I don't have a job, but I have daddy driving my family and I around and buying wonderful CNY clothes. So far, $70 spent. I'm not disclosing the brand.. but I'm sure it's recognisable. However, I won't be surprised if I see someone else wearing the same shit as I am. But it wasn't my idea; I would've given anything to be at the Ralph Lauren store right there and then. >_>
Besides, there's still a few more sets of clothes and shoes AND accessories. Musn't forget the accessories. =)
I'm sorry I couldn't attend the barbeque nor stay over.. my mum would flip if she found out I was spending more money when I gave no hoot about getting a job.
However, mum and dad are getting quite a lot of money this month and the next (and so will I), so it shouldn't be a problem then. ^^
Hope you had lots and lots of fun, I'm sure I'll join you all next time. Need another tan la, too white. <3
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 10:26 pm
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
My friend complains to me about his girlfriend. He tells me he's done all for her, but she never wanted a relationship with him and breaks up. He goes out to drink himself silly, get himself in a fight, runs away from home a few days, and ends up in SGH.... Joy, another one.
Being the KPO I was, I retold the story to a friend and asked for his opinion on what guys thought if they had friends like that. Of course, the guy's and girls' names are excluded to protect whatever dignity he has left, and their faces.
gloria says:
guy steads with girl. girl reluctant. guy doesn't care. guy happy. girl eventually asserts feelings of distress. girl breaks up with guy 1 week later.
gloria says:
guy sad. guy complain to everyone he knows (or doesn't). guy does stupid things. guy drinks himself silly/gets hurt/leaves home. both of which get relatives jumpy. guy makes girl feel guilty.
gloria says:
guy tells girl he won't unless she patches back. girl in dilemma.
gloria says:
guy's family blames girl. guy wants to spite girl. he goes to find another girl.
gloria says:
new girl turns out to be someone who doesn't want a relationship with him either. girl leaves him. guy does step 2 again.
Jerrold says:
gloria says:
what, you pity the guy?
Jerrold says:
Jerrold says:
in fact
Jerrold says:
the guy is an idiot and deserves to be castrated
Jerrold says:
Jerrold says:
i mean, break up den break up la
Jerrold says:
grief? no. psychological state of mind la
Jerrold says:
thats not a real man
Jerrold says:
thats a coward
Jerrold says:
deserves to be worse off than a eunuch
A little harsh, but funny nonetheless.
Gentlemen, it's time you see that it's kinda wrong to hurt yourselves because you don't only hurt yourself in the process, you end up giving pain like free food to a lot of people as well.
It may hurt, but take it like a man.
Jerrold says:
stupid idiot
I couldn't agree more.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 11:59 am
Monday, January 16, 2006
I guess you never will change.You still rant, you still whine.
And you're still the one that makes me cry.
How many countless tears have I stupidly shed for you.
Daddy's not as you think he is.
He understands if you'd talk to him, but he's just really obstinate. Knocking sense into him isn't very hard, so long as you use proper methods.
Oh wait, your ranting and whining always gets there though, hmm.
You're 21. I don't have to tell you every year to grow up.
I'll prove you wrong, lousy bitch.
I'll get a job. -_-
On another note, I've started to get hooked on this flash website.
It's like DDR, just that it's
1) on your computer
2) in flash
3) works out your fingers and hand-eye coordination!
Worked myself mad just to get a 100 combo. ;_; And here's proof! <3 Well shush you, I know it's an easy one.. but hey I just started. I'll 100-combo the tricky ones next time, maybe.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 11:06 am
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Just picked up Sabbath from the veterinarian after visiting my uncle at the hospital.The poor girl.. turns out that she had fur mites, but luckily we've bought the solution to get rid of it. However, at the vet, she was hissing and growling at my mum because she probably thought we were useless owners for abandoning her while she was in pain.
The GA's taking effect on her now, but despite her being so drowsy and weak, she kept pushing her head against the cage door in hopes of opening it upon arriving back home.
She couldn't even move her body properly to face me when I sat beside the cage.. and we're not allowed to let her out nor feed her food/water lest she vomits them or worse - has the food/water enter her lungs and choke her.
Poor thing.. It really hurts to see her in pain like this, a stark contrast between her manja and playful self.
This isn't the first time she's seeing the vet, but I'm sure she doesn't like it still.
... SABBATH! ;_;
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 10:07 pm
Friday, January 13, 2006
I feel weird without Sabbath bugging me.We brought her to the vet earlier, to um, sterilize her.
I don't think it's called ligation for cats either.. but yeah, she was crying when we took her there. ;_; Should've known she's probably claustrophobic, but there was no luxurious portable cage, and besides.. there was more space when she was a wee kitten.
I miss her even though it's only an overnight stay. I hope the silly girl doesn't try to bite her stitches.. or hiss at other patients.. or try to pick a fight with a dog!
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 10:26 pm
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Nyarr, that Yanliang told me that putting songs on blog = $1000 fine. So yeah, I'm taking my songs off until I'm sure that everyone else doesn't care (like the downloading-songs-off-internet=piracy=superbigfine incident).BUT NO ONE CAN ENJOY QUALITY SONGS NOW!
Oh well, if there is a need for songs I have them.
Quoting Yanliang:
"No one said you couldn't send zip files over on MSN what. LOL"
I want hair like Kaoru from Dir En Grey now.. ._.
Adobe Photoshop is officially not my friend. He/she/it won't even load, and I have to reformat my computer. Till then, your new blogskin will have to wait. ;__;
Shitsureishimasu- I have to go keel my computer.
/bawls in corner
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 2:09 pm
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Gave a surprise birthday thingy to yin.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Hope you enjoyed the present, and the enorrrmous card :x
Love ya! <3
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 12:04 am
Friday, January 06, 2006
Went out with yesterday, and had a blast. I hope it turns out okay, took a lot of effort haha!We bumped into Zichun and Andy at Mac.. so after a while, they wanted to cook their own dinner. Min and I, being the nice classmates that we are, decided that the guys shouldn't burn the condo down just for a simple meal and offered to cook!
... We had instant noodles with Campbell for the soup base.
I call it an uhm, alternative form of spaghetti. XD
After an hour of sweating, toiling and wrecking.. (What sort of condominium doesn't have a can opener?!)
We finally had our main course of creamy noodles and beans + egg for a side dish.
Remind me never to have dinner with the guys again; we do the dumbest and weirdest things when together..
Rona: "Wah, cannot liao.."
Andy: "WAH! Gonna give birth! Ah pa, you see your daughter pregnant liao.."
Rona: "Aiyah, don't expose la!"
Zichun: "Hm. Who's the father?!"
Me: "Pa, I kept a secret from you for so long.. it's me!"
Andy and chun: *GASP*
*Rona pretends to lean on my shoulder*
Andy: "Cannot!"
*I play along and lean on her shoulder*
Andy: "CANNOT! Must like this -" *grabs Chun's face and attempts to kiss*
(Chun, in utter shock, is on the verge of spitting noodles on Andy's face XD)
Rona and I: "OMG!"
Andy scared the heck out of us. ._. I pity Chun though, HAHA! He was freaked out, and all of us thought Andy was really gonna kiss him.. XD
But spending the evening at Chun's house was fun la.. just that it started to pour when we were going home. At least daddy came to pick me up because he knows I'm such a spoilt brat. :3
I can't wait!
Oh, new movie coming up that my sister would want to watch but would never dare to unless Farhan was going along;

anyhow whacked by gloria @ 1:46 pm
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Whoopie, took me an hour to finish this layout.Featuring Rukia from Bleach (the power of lineart), I used her as my 'blackhearted baby' for the theme's stock. I was thinking more gore-y, but I don't think I wanna scare myself shitless everytime I read my own blog, haha.
Aliman gave me ideas too, like colour schemes and inspiration *hear magical twinkling sound in background* (like the blood-stained guitar).
The rest just came into my mind like what always happens. Badabingbadaboom, new layout and song! I am not certain what the name of the band is, but since I was told b'z, b'z it is. :o
The chinese characters "hei xing" and "blackhearted baby" was written painstakingly by me, and thank goodness it didn't turn out so bad. I'm looking forward to getting a job at a veterinarian (grr) near my house (yes min, turns out it's a vet, not pet store), and hopefully I can work there and get some moolah for myself.
Apart from that, I still have things to do tomorrow, so uhm, so long and good night?
Ah, I laugh at myself too often. =)
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 1:12 am
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
I so need to work on that anger management thing. >_>So yeah, it was my grandmother's birthday yesterday. She is so on la, her birthday still help my sister pay for new specs. It's very nice, and I so look like Felicia when I put them on, haha!
Anyhow, my parents missed winning 25k for 4D. Dad got a cheque with number 650 for 500 dollars.. what 4 numbers do you think you should buy?
Well dad bought every combination apart from 6550, which was New Year's #1 winning numbar.
Ohwell, what's mine is mine. What isn't.. WILL BE. :D
On a side note, Oasis is (finally) coming to Singapore! Apparently, it's sometime in February and tickets are going like search hits for that video of Simon Webbe in the buff - which is surprising, since we're going to have to pay $100 for the worst seats in the house. Then again, when you have local singers like Sylvester Sim, I guess there's little alternative.
Someone sponsor me!
Speaking of sponsors and hosts.. Thanks a lot Aliman for hosting the current song! <3
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 10:34 am