Tuesday, July 19, 2005
We got our 45th anniversary comemorative books, where the book was really appealing, and I hold Mr Sim Wong Hoo, Creative's CEO and also Ex-BPian, as an idol for my future. I'm sure that's one thing he'd want to accomplish (apart from being a successful man he is now), to be an aspiring model for all that have seen and are willing to learn from his footsteps.Some pictures:
Cover page
Pretty clouds
Sim Wong Hoo (please don't kill me Mr Sim!)'s photo at 13. I think he looks cute.
I liked Ms Tan a lot. She understood that school isn't all about grades. She just rocks o/
Blah, put this just to introduce my *cough* principal. From left- Fa'izah in her Ramayana costume, then the actress for Mu Gui Ying (forgot name, sorreh), Xuezhi for the general beside her, and of course.. Mrs Ong.
... Shawn Li Chuang Rui from that 'I Not Stupid'. Yah yah he's in my school. Bball captain. Whoop. Dee. Doo.
Grace Ong, a very bright girl for being artistic and academically-inclined.
Jinhui, our pride and joy for the Normal Stream. Doesn't look like him here, but he rocks! o/
I thought doing this for the school gardener was really sweet. And <3 those sunflowers.
And look, they featured the drink stall sellers! =D Auntie's really nice, she says I remind her of her daughter when young.. XD But that seems to happen with everyone that sees me >_>;
Anyhow, enough of advertising for my school.
When I came home from school today, I was walking behind this uncle. He was dragging his feet, making that shuffling noise I absolutely detest. (Probably why my parents don't like me sneaking up on them walking in silence at home, to each his own. XD) Then suddenly, he tilts his ass..
.... and farts.
I was absolutely disgusted, and I can understand that even though old people might not be able to control.. did you have to make it so obvious by.. tilting your bum? Well, at least turn around to apologise... Sheesh! God, I swear I'm never going to walk behind someone with that sort of 'potential'. v_v
Qian Nan rocks! She's going to lend me her Harry Potter book, and thank goodness she hasn't finished the Goblet of Fire yet, or else I'd have to wait for some time before she's done.. and considering my impatience, I just can't wait!! *frenzy*
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 4:30 pm