Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Today was.. Emaths p2 and CME. Was okay, I actually found p2 easy! Other than the 1st two questions, of which I probably lost around 9 marks there. XD But the transformations and graphs were almost as easy as hell, just that I spent too much time so my freehand graphline looks rather cacat ('retarded' in malay [correct me if I'm wrong plx~]).CME..................... Was a pure waste of time laaah. Finished it in 5 minutes, and I was in a futile attempt to draw the guy beside me. But I couldn't look sideways lest they thought I was cheating (in a CME exam, yaaahhh wtf >_>). Sorry lah. I think he's cute, that's all.. Even though he irritates me a lot during exams by writing so much. -_- Thank GOD he didn't do that for maths, or I'd never finish it thanks to him stressin me out.
Anyhoo, I forgot to mention that MRS HOE IS BAACCCK!!! <3<3<3
We missed her SO SO SO much! Heh, min and I talked about her being back yesterday.
Me: "I tell you, when I come back after graduating during March next year.. 1st person I'll hug is Mrs Hoe."
Min: "Yaya, me too!"
Me: "... then I'll be the 1st to cry too, as always, haha."
Min: "Eh no.. You must hug me 1st!"
Me: *doink* "Okay lor, haha!"
But yah, think about it; we've been in this school for almost 5 years. 4 and a half, to be more exact (well, almost). What changes have we had?
Secondary One:
- 1st day of school, we were locked in our own classroom, kudos to Nicholas that prankster. (And still hasn't changed. Much. XD)
- Josline/Fa'izah locked in the toilet cubicle and we saved her with a 20-cent coin. \o/ We the Cool and Chilvarous Cubicle Coin Catastrophe Cynosure!
- Everyone loved Tom Chan.
Secondary Two:
- We lost Eileen, Jie Ying, Kai Xian, Josline and Erene due to lateral transferring to the Express classes.
- 5 people down, 35 left.
- Then came in Clayton, Yao Zhong, William, Han Wei, Xin Han, Izwan, Xiao Juan, Huda, Nazeera, and Tommy >_>
- 35 + 10 = 45
- And with that.. we moved to a air-conditioned cabin classroom!
Secondary Three:
- Imran left to the express stream, and Qian Nan joined us.
- 45 - 1 + 1 = 45
- So we still stayed in the cabins as the largest class of BPGHS' history.
- Tom Chan still being form teacher.
Secondary Four:
- Class enrolment still the same, and stuck in the cabins. ^^
- We formed the invincible four; Jiamin, Yindi, Zhihui and me! XD
- Mugged CRAZY for N Prelims, and ended up with nothing.
- Got caught for Friendster defamation, which lasted pretty long.
- Slacked for N level..
- But we did it! =)
Secondary Five:
- We've grown attached to Tom Chan, and now he's more of a father, since he is a father now, anyway.
- Lost many people: Clayton, Huda, Nazeera, Izwan, Izzat, Yao Zhong, and Tommy.
- Total enrolment dropped, resulting in returning to the classroom blocks.
- Kenneth having sleeping disorders, and having him the alias of a "part-time student"
- He withdrew from Mid-years, expected to as well for Prelims and O's.
- .... May the story end in a happy one.
Our five years together shall be one heck of a memorable story; I want a "and they lived happily ever after" for us. 5A, jiayou. =)
I was blog-hopping when I came across a blog of a.. teacher. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, a teacher. When I read her blog, I realised how teachers are secretly suffering and actually trying their best to help us. I now deeply regret rebuking Ms Ong, and actually making her cry. Well, despite the fact that her teaching methods weren't really successful thus resulting in the disability to having the students to comprehend. Well, if any teachers read this..
Please please please don't start sueing me for defamatory actions (again -_-) but instead, look on the bright side. Some students DO understand. You just have to think like a student. Like they say, if you can't beat em, join em. That's what students look for in a teacher. No "hey no don't do this and that", but instead, "hey, lets do this.. just don't let the principal know! hehe". Well, yeah it's somewhat wrong.. but the traditional method really doesn't work anymore.
Ah okay, I realise I've written way too much. Again. XD Will stop here.
OMG. Tomorrow is MT paper2!! Bah. What'm I fretting about... I'm getting my F9. XD
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 11:39 am