Sunday, January 30, 2005
Okay, so I now have a wonderful collection of bacteria and viruses in this body. Food poisoning, cough, fever, and now with a bad sinus. I don't even know if I should go to school tomorrow; I have no wish to pay another visit to the doctor just to obtain the MC.Really bothered about not being able to complete reading Digital Fortress; I'm almost at the ending. Reminded myself that I have 2 Chinese tests to go through, my History assignment, English EW's, Literature homework, and Maths. Just because I forgot to bring my file home. Pfft.
Anyhow, like any other Sunday, I went to church. Okay, maybe not EVERY Sunday; I don't really like to go there since 1) all I see are the wannabes that dress like they're going to a wedding/funeral/costume party and 2) I just don't think it's that.. compulsory. Went to IMM after that; had breakfast, and my since my father's brother AKA uncle = God-father.. My Godma decided to bring me around for some CNY shopping. Of course I was elated; everyone at my dad's side is like.. loaded. ._. No insult to my mother's side relatives; they're cooler. But yes, we went over to OP, and bought myself two skirts and a pretty nice tee. Whipped out her Visa, and paid like it was buying biscuits. When my mum later took me around to buy shoes and I pointed to a 50-dollar Converse shoe, she naaggged and naaggedd. See the difference? Even my dad was like, obliging to buy me a Zen Micro, and my mum was there nagging. Sigh; she never had any obligation to the family ever, did she. ._.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 5:32 pm
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Feeling sooo sick that I didn't go to school today. I went home ytd after recess, felt like barfing and.. stomach wasn't very happy either. >> Jiamin took the trouble of running up and down the school to get Tom Chan's signature and my bag (thank you very much ^^), I apologise greatly for any inconvenience and am totally indebted to you.Went to see the polyclinic, had one hell of a queue. Waited an hour just to see the doctor, and another hour just to get my medicine. Whoopdie-doo. -_- *glares at mum* I told her it would be better if we just went to the clinic, but nooooo.. she wanted the polyclinic instead. "So much cheaper", she claims. Pfft.
Went home, took medicine, felt as drowsy as hell. Took the Dan Brown book Jiamin put in my bag (thanks again! ^^), and read on till I fell asleep. Currently at page 200++, very interesting read indeed. Digital Fortress, in case any of you wondered what it was titled. Didn't have much to do, since I 1) don't wish to study for my chinese test (you all know I don't mind flunking it anyways) and 2) I'd rather just stay zoned out than help mum with housework while sick.
Still not feeling very right; woke up with a horrible flu, stomach upset, and the most terrible throbbing headaches. Although my MC was only valid for one day, I persisted in not going in case I landed in the same situation as yesterday.
But I still have nothing to do. My nose is blocked, everything tastes like cardboard/liquid cardboard. o_o
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 6:46 pm
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Today was a pretty okay day in school, apart from the fact that Jiamin was absent. T_T No one beside me to go crazy with was kinda boring, but the day passed by pretty fast, I should say.Had run a total of 6 rounds roday, and I SWEAR my legs are killing me. Tom Chan had to make my day worse by shouting at me without any care whatsoever. I mean, when he walked over to tick off the malay girls, he was like, so un-harsh. Getting biased again? I sure think so.
Then it was Humanities with our DM. Har. Didn't really spend much time with him; he had only one period. But within that period and being the school's DM, he tends to tell his oldest class about his newly handled 'cases'. Apparently, some sec 2 decided to be smart and have his name as 'Adolf Hitler' on his nametag. Teachers and students in my class were astonished that he was able to spot that name on. Of course, all of us know he has like, keen eyes. Nothing can escape the eyes of a Tiger, rawwr. But seriously, that kid doesn't realise what a dumbass he is by doing that? Tiger's suggestion of punishment: "Place him into a Jewish place of worship." Hurr, that would be seriously eviiil. As usual, parents will be called up and hoooboy, would his parents be mad if they found out their child likes Hitler. Oh, did I mention what the dear express student claimed when caught? "It's only for fun... besides, we're studying that topic now." Not only the student dies, but I think the teacher is gonna be in deep trouble too. Giving the child the wrong mindset about Hitler isn't really.. too smart of the teacher as well.
Maths.. Nothing happened much, more crapping with Mrs Chiu. She's so different to what the other juniors recall her as. "She's so strict!!" is actually something superficial. Inside of 'The Mrs Chiu', she's just another joker with plenty of sarcasm loaded to create an utterly hilarious scene, even in a Maths lesson. Finished her hw, so I'm free from all restrains. Oh, and there's her test tomorrow, so I doubt she'll collect them anyway. XD!
Then it was English. I was still pissed off with Mr Chan, as he really deserves a kick somewhere because he just yells without thinking. He made us do some public speaking, of which my topic was School Rules and how I want it to be abolished. Alright, exclude the last part. But I shared my feelings about the dumb rules with my class, and was called Gloria "THE FORM" Chua later on, because I kept using that ever-sarcastic tone whenever I mentioned The Form (gives you an instant beta record when you get too much of The Form).
Saw Yanwen after class when we were heading down for recess, she wanted to collect chinese hw, but HENG. Jiamin was absent, so I saved my ass for one more day. Hahh.
We played with the fishies in the pond, so much memories when we were Sec 1 T_T Zhihui still remembers their names.. I remembered the biiig grey one always liked human contact, wasn't as afraid as the rest. 4 years has passed by that fast. I'm going to cry during our result releasing date, I swear. ._.
After recess, it was Literature. Whoopie. Mrs Hoe is so able to like, motivate students to like Literature, I even caught Azlan reading the book after school! =O (Still doesn't know why she's related to Nick instead of meh T_T)
After Lit it was.. Accountancy. Haahh, so happy I dropped that subject even though I still understand some of it. Bad debts, depreciation.. still familiar, but who cares, I was always allowed to sleep/draw/annotate biology notes during every PoA lesson.
When it was all over and done with, the whole school was called for House Meetings. Being in the BLUE house *go blue!*, we went to the iStudio to have the assembly. House Mistress: Ms Kong. House Master: Mr Chan. Again. -_- Anyhow, House Capt'n this year is Lirong, although I expected Sean. The latter is really bent on defeating Yellow house this year, I think he's taking part in the longer track events. Jiemin was so enthu about 'this year is our last year!' that she participated in the 4x100m relay along with Shaoqi, Fa'izah and Hardina. Not bad lar, she enthu then good lor. Pretty determined to win as well.
Went back to class, blasted some music, and Zhihui, Yindi and I watched as Fai presented part of our Teachers' Day dance. Pretty kewl, but rather.. fast. Fai is teh bodyshakarrr. <3
Hit me!
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my ah, ah
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath
Ooh, I put it right there, made it easy for you to get to
Now you wanna act like you don't know what to do
After I done, done everything that you asked me
Grabbed you, grind you, liked you, tried you
Moved so fast, baby, now I can't find you
Ooh, I'm startin' to believe that I'm way too much for you
All that talk but it seems like you can't come through
all them lines, like you could satisfy me
Now I see where believing you got me
Gave you the wheel but you can't drive me
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my ah, ah
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath
Ooh, two things I don't like when I'm tryn'a get my groove
Is a partner that meets me only halfway and just can't prove
Take me out so deep when you know you can't swim
Need a lifeguard and I need protection
To put it on me deep in the right direction
Ooh, you understand the facts that I'm tryn'a get to you
You movin' so slow like you just don't have a clue
Didn't Mama teach you to give affection
Learn the difference from a man and an adolescent
It ain't you boo, so get to steppin'
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my ah, ah
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath
If you can't make me say, 'ooh'
Like the beat of this drum
Why you ask for some
You ain't really want none
If you can't make me say, 'ooh'
Like the beat of this groove
You don't have no business in this
Here's your papers, baby you are dismissed [echos]
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my ah, ah
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my ah, ah
Can you keep up
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 4:08 pm
Monday, January 24, 2005
I believe I've discussed this somewhere before. I just don't remember when I did that, where I said this, how I brought up the subject, why I did so, what made me think about it, and to whom I talked to.Anyway, this might be ironic, but people that keep saying "Omg, dieing would be so much better than living.. I WANT TO DIEE!!1!!~!shiftone!1~!!" are - such - idiots. You've probably never considered how lucky you are to be alive and at least having shared your love with someone. Some people don't even have that and yet they live on for it. And all you can do is whine instead of finding a solution to your problem? Good going.
Woot, I'm trying to make myself sound so intelligent when it's total bullcrap. Again.
But seriously, why stay alive whining and if you want to end it with "NO ONE UNDERSTANDS ME", go right ahead. I realised how much of attention seeking that phrase is, yah. You need a biiiig sign to tell everyone you're going to jump off your own flat? Go ahead. Many will think you're an idiot, wasting your life just because 'no one understands'.
I believe.. this is where true friendship steps in.
Today, I have realised what a true friend is like.
All my friends are true friends, because I don't see them being insincere at all. They're selfless, and really kind at heart. I have witnessed selfish people who befriend someone else just for 1) money, 2) company, and 3) just to get bossy. When it comes to helping the other friend out, he turns his back on you just to make his own burden lighter, and unwilling to aid anyone other than himself. Even if he helps, there has to be an advantage for him.
That's just what I feel lar. I despise this sort of people.
Okay, so I made myself sound very un-Singaporean-ish saying that. But seriously, where do you EVER find true friendship? There are HARDLY any of them around, and I consider myself pretty lucky, I guess. I myself have been selfish, but I do try my best to help my friends unless I really can't. I admit solemnly I used to be a very selfish f*ck. I learnt better, friendship > owning everything you can possibly own. You can't buy friendship either, I watched someone go down the drain that way. Some people might know who I may be referring to, but no names to be mentioned, yah.
OMG, how redundant I am today. I deeply apologise.
But still, I guess I do make an eensie-weensie bit of sense, yah? ._. (Say no and you're a heartless creep T_T)
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 8:18 pm
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Went for open house yesterday.I left the house at 10.30 with my parents, who dropped me off at Lot1. I almost forgot what to do at a LRT station (that's how much of an idiot I am >>). Jiamin reminded me that I was able to take any route, and alight at the BP stop. Without specs, I found that a tad hard since I can't really make out anything within 2 meters without squinting. x_X
It took some time before I reached BP Mac where I was 'designated' to wait for her. We went a little shopping, I bought a nice clip and a new comb. Went back down to Mac and sat down, waiting for the rest to arrive.
Yin called, and arrived with Huifen.
Then Jiemin and Shaoqi arrived.
We called up Zhihui, and she said she was in the basement with Andy and Hanwei. What in the world is she doing with them..? Anyhow, they arrived soon after, and Zhihui left with Jiamin to do further shopping while we waited for Nick, Sean and others.
Kaili came.
William came.
Sean came.
Us: "Where's Nick?"
Sean: "He said he's at Mac already.."
Me: "He told Jiemin he's at home, then says he's arriving in a minute. He tells you he's at mac. Where the fark is he."
Sean: "Aiyah, he'll get his dad to drive right up here one lor."
Us: "Hope so."
We go on to having girl talks, and Jiemin claims that she dreamt of Fred last night.. in a chalet. I didn't know she was like, a Fred-fan. o_o
Jiamin and Zhihui arrive back, and Nick comes along wearing his bro's shirt, of which he denies it's Fred's. Harr.
Oh, Yanliang appears out of nowhere and gets tortured by us girls again.
Jiemin then suggested having Yoshinoya. Yindi and I both had Terriyaki chicken and Salmon, and Sean, Jiemin and Qi had Beef noodles, I think. I felt f*cking full after that, even though I already skipped my breakfast.
*lets skip the bullcrap, yah. OFF TO THE POLY!!~!1!!1one~!!*
When we finally reached NP after much pains and agony, William took Kaili, Andy, Yanliang, Huifen and Hanwei another route, of which they had to walk a further distance. One thing: "Don't trust William's 'hao zhu yi'".
Alfie and Kok Liang (did I spell it right?) came over to greet us at the gates, and we went off when Kaili&Co arrived. We took our goodie bag thingies, and on stage at that moment, someone had just won an iPod mini.
Everyone: "!"
Apparently she really wants one, as in her MSN nick: "I want an iPod Mini for my bday!". Too much of Nick's influence in my opinion; he's gonna start an 'iPod trend' in 5A. I did want one, but if it's going to get so common, I'll stick to Jerrold's suggestion; Zen Micro. o_o The sky blue one looks really nice..
Also saw an ex-BPian and ex-CO member.. I could tell you, I sooo wanted to walk off when she was talking to me. I just seem to have manners installed too far deep in my brain to do otherwise. Damn it.
Kok Liang then brought us to the... dunno what's it called. But we went in to see the courses, and I landed myself into deep trouble. T_T!
Jiamin: "Eh Gloria, there's BioMedical!"
Me: "Where where??"
Jiamin: "There... *points* BioMedical.... Engineering? Eh?"
*lecturer pops out of nowhere*
Lecturer: "Did someone mention ENGINEERING?"
Jiamin: "Em.."
Me: "Uh oh."
Lecturer: *looks at me* "Come come, follow me."
Me: Greeaatt. *follows*
Had around a 15-20 minute talk with them.. and I wasn't interested in engineering at all! T_T~ I turned my head and saw Yindi, Zhihui, Kaili and Jiamin at the Masscomm booth. I wannnnttt... tooo... goooo.. >>!
After I was finally released, I tried looking for Jiamin and realised we were running to each other in circles. I ran and finally caught up with her, where she told me that BioMedical -SCIENCE- was on the other side. Wanted to nab the MassComm brochure as well, but that lady was like "you want one? Need to ask question. We running out of them." Felt like.. slapping.. >>!
We left, and wandered around places like Business and Accountancy block, a supposed Horticulture building when inside wrote "Film and Studio" o_o and to the library, and finally, we decided to look for Carl, who apparently was at block 40. We walked, walked and walked.
(Just so you know, I have never ever -ever- seen Carl before. Few pictures and all, yes. But not IRL. o_o)
We arrived at Block 40 FINALLY, and I wondered how the heck Carl got there without the shuttle bus (students aren't allowed to use, apparently). We walked everywhere, and finally when we arrived at the place where they were making ice-cream, I saw someone who looked really familiar. I stared... Is that Carl? Everyone who was around me asked that question as well. I nodded, but was still rather unsure. *sms arrives* "Saw you le, the one with white shirt de.."
So okay, he saw me. o_o I didn't reply back, since.. I didn't want to like, make anyone think I like him or anything. I didn't really get to talk to him though, he was with his juniors. #1 rule: Do -not- interrupt someone when talking. Okay maybe not #1, but still, I know better than to interrupt someone just to say Hi. Only when we left, did he turn around, and I waved to him.
I didn't mention we got separated from Kaili&Co and Jiemin, Qi, Sean and Nick, did we? Well, we did. It was merely Kok Liang, Alfie, Jiamin, Yindi, Zhihui and me left to take the shuttle bus all the way back to Canteen 1, where we waited for Kaili&Co. Apparently Jiemin and party have already left the campus, and didn't even want to go to NYP. o_o;;
We gathered together, and Kok Liang, Alfie and Jiamin left on their own to go back home. The rest of us.. decided to go West Mall to watch Meet the Fockers.
We waited from 5+ to 7 just for the movie, but I suppose it was worth it.
"Asssssssssssssssss...... Hooooolllee."
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 8:14 pm
Thursday, January 20, 2005
We didn't have much of lessons today. *phew!* Only thing I paid attention to was Bio and Chinese (ZOMGWTFBBQILISTENTOCHINESE!). Chem was like such repetitive material I could've sworn I'd be reciting it even asleep. I've probably improved on my Chem, with a biiggg thanks to everyone who helped me, encouraged me, and taught me (excluding teachers, I learnt more from friends then them o_o!).At 10:00am we had to go for some health screen thingy, of which Fai suggested to the nurse that the guys should go first (they weren't able to object, hurr). So all the guys went in one shot, while us girls just waited. While waiting, 1B came back from recess to have their screening as well.
For people that know me know that I hate people discriminating streams, so I did my best not to say anything since both classes were Normal Academic anyway. One of them kicked me while I was sitting down, but that's okaaayy.. Until the boys of their class came in. Min and Yin joined us since the malay girls formed their own 'gossip group' as well already, apparently talking about one particular minnah that seemed to act 'lian', and with her skirt rolled up instead of altered. Cheapo. After gossiping about this and that and everyday life, one of them, a particularly totally un-lian-ish and yet.. fat girl came walking, and diaoed one of us. She turned her head and went "hhmmppf~~". I was the only one able to see it, since I was facing the direction she was walking opposite of. With that, I started laughing loudly.
Min, Yin and Qi: *looks at me oddly* "What happened?"
Min: "Siao liao, siao liao~"
Me: *goes on to explain what happened*
Qi: "Wah, so rude? Which one?"
Me: *directs to whichever girl did that* *still laughing hysterically*
Min, Yin and Qi: "Wah, no manners ah, Sec 1.." *sigh sarcastically*
Me: *gestured what the girl did with exaggeration*
All: *laughter*
Me: *notices that her classmate is looking at us and actually eavesdropping*
Qi: "OEI."
Me: "Ah mah, must be polite, cannot scare off people."
All: *laughter*
Me: "Excuuuuse me ah. What class?"
Boy: "Err. 1B."
Me: "Oooooh, okay." *goes on to whisper about sec 1's*
Anyway, we didn't get to stay in this spot for long, the class was so rowdy we decided to move further back, in case these fighting-frenzies got to involve us, too.
Min then pointed out that the girl was actually still looking at us,and when we looked at her she turned her head around to pretend nothing happened. Qi and I went to the toilet and walking slowly, we got to glare at her.
Friend of hers: "Eh, zhe ge ma?" (Eh, this one?)
Girl: *nods quickly*
Nothing much discussed in the toilet, just that we were talking about how rude the 'younger' people are now. Went out and continued staring at her. Act lian oso dunno how to act.. Pfft.
Anyhow, at 11:10, we went for recess. Nothing much happened. Went back up at 11:40, and continued to wait for our checkup. See, skipped so much lessons. (If you were wondering where the guys were, they had to go back to class. =X!) We couldn't go into the checkup area yet, since it was occupied by the earlier class (1B). We waited outside, when another class came by, guided by Mr Tan ST. We had a nice chat with him, and he says he's taking Sec 1 NT classes again. If I'm not wrong, he took 4B for 4 years, just like Tom Chan with us. Anyway, when he left, the class was a RIOT. They were fighting, and even when Mr Osgodby came along at the 2nd floor, he was pointing to them upstairs and using his portable little amplifier to yell, they were still fighting. I had the urge to go up, grab one and bash. Was going to yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP" when a girl with the Vice-Chairman tag walked by.
Me: *to Qi* "Eh, that's the Vice-Chairman.."
Qi: "Oh yah hor.. want to call her over?"
Me: "Okay lor. Eh, come come come."
Girl: "Ah?"
Me: "Vice-Chairman ah?"
Girl: "Yah.."
Me: "Your class hopeless one isit? Osgodby scold oso leng leng.."
Girl: "Yah lor!" (I have no idea why she's so friendly o_o) "Teacher scold oso no use de.."
Qi: "You got chairman?"
Girl: "Yah.."
Me: "Guy or girl?"
Girl: "Err, guy"
Qi: "Call him come here."
*girl goes to call their chairman.. I was actually stunned coz he was quite cute XD*
Chairman: "Err, yah?"
Qi: "Eh, can ask your class shut up anot?"
Me: "Yah lor.. Need us to go individually kan them meh?"
Chairman: "Orh okay..." *goes off to break every fight*
Me: "He's not bad what. Got some control lar."
Qi: "Hmm, yah.. haha"
We later got on a convo where that vice-chairman from 1C told us that even if teachers reprimanded them, they'd talk back. (Tsk, I remember hardly anyone of us did that.. Oh wait, there's me. >_>)
Me: "Even Tiger not scared?"
Girl: "NO! Tiger they all VERY scared one.."
Me, Qi, Fai, Dina, Huifen and Jas: *laughs*
Me: "Please lor, Tiger don't really need to scared so much de."
Girl: "But every teacher not scared, only scared Tiger.."
Me: (Hum ji.. >_>)
We later had a conversation between our own clasmates in peace, and Kai Li suddenly tells me "Eh, Tiger at the library".
Qi: "Wah, serious?"
Me: "Eh, call the girl come back.."
Qi: "Eh eh come.."
Girl: "Huh?"
Me: "Tiger downstairs at library. You want to die, you can continue to allow your class to fight, kick and scream. He come up is your problem liao."
Girl: o_o "Sure anot? Okay okay.." *goes off yelling 'EH TIGER DOWNSTAIRS, KEEP QUIET!!'*
Me: "I suppose that settles it.."
We didn't have a peaceful time for English, there wasn't music to listen to. But at least we didn't have much lessons to attend. XD!
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 2:28 pm
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Min and I went crazy and decided to take photos with her hp. This is what we got and ended up laughing madly over.
She thinks I look like some high-school student with the jacket on, but I think I look like I'm going to eat her up. o_o! *is not photogenic* I can't imagine what me smiling would look like.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 7:28 pm
Monday, January 17, 2005
I just thought I might share a little story of how ex-couples might feel.. if they don't know what the truth actually is.Boy: I saw her today
Girl: I saw him today
Boy: It seems like it's been forever
Girl: I wonder if he still cares
Boy: She looks better than before
Girl: I couldn't stop staring at him
Boy: I asked her how things were going
Girl: I asked about his new girlfriend
Boy: I'd choose her over any girl I'm with
Girl: He's probably really happy right now
Boy: I couldn't look at her without crying
Girl: He couldn't even look at me
Boy: I told her I missed her
Girl: He doesn't mean it
Boy: I meant it wholeheartedly
Girl: He loves his new girlfriend
Boy: I held her one last time
Girl: He gave a friendly hug
Boy: I went home and cried
Girl: I went home and cried
Boy: I lost her
Girl: I still love him
I guess... If you don't let someone you love know what you truly feel, be it if you two had a conflict or are no longer together, give each other a chance. Don't misunderstand his/her true intentions and turn them into pessimism and disbelief.
Anyway, Jiamin told me Ms Tham transferred to Victoria School. Pretty teacher gone... ;_; I hope she's doing fine there, although I'm sure the guys there probably go gaa-gaa over her. Even Sebastian was rather 'depressed' that she left BP, hahh. Some teachers have come, some have gone. Ms Chiam and Ms Ng, for example. Ms Chiam is what I would call.. traditional. The typical kind of 'I want silence when talking' teacher, and Ms Ng; the very.. Christian teacher. Although she teaches Accounts, she focuses on talking on Bibles and the anti-profanity rule. Ms Ong, our ex-chem teacher, was last seen pissed off by us last year, and the biggest event of which involved me having an argument with her. Mr Sin, became a bank accountant (or so I heard, please correct me if wrong) and I still have his HP number. ^^ I hope we keep in contact soon again, he is really a nice teacher to be with.. although he thinks we don't appreciate him.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 9:24 pm
Sunday, January 16, 2005
My sis is pure unadultered childish material.We all waited for her to go to church, and just when we are about to go she yells, "Mum, can you ask why Gloria is not talking to me?"
Me: *is brushing teeth*
*looks at mirror to see stupid sister stare*
*stifles laughter*
*quickly brushes to spite back at her*
Mum: (in chinese) Aiyah you two still not talking..?
Sis: SHE LAR! Don't want to talk to me. *glares at me with my mouth full of Colgate*
Me: *gives nonchalant look and goes on brushing* How childish. Cmon Gloria, finish brushing so you can tell her what a kid she looks like right now.
Sis: I talk to you nicely, you still give me that bu shuang face and attitude, what you wan?
Me: *is done with brushing* *turns around* Oooh what I would give to slap that face. Hello, -you- were the one who said "From now on, we don't have to talk to each other. Wo0t." *goes to combing hair now*
Sis: Then stop wearing my shoes lar!
Me: *totally ignores while she babbles on* I'm supposed to say I don't wear your shoes.. I have my pretty Nautica shoes now. =3
Sis: I spoke to you nicely yesterday, go into your room and then you come in give me attitude.
Me: I wasn't the one who was childish. You don't want to talk is my problem meh?
Sis: But then I talk to you means okay liao mah!!
Me: As if I need to give you face when you want to talk to me. You song you talk, buay song don't talk, have NO ONE at home to talk to come find me. Eh, I'm not that sort of person lor. *laughs* Yah, right.
Sis: Aiyah, I don't want go liao lar! *storms off to her room*
Me: *finishes tieing hair* (In chinese, to my mother) See? So childish. She was the one who 1st asked me not to talk to her, and I don't try to be childish by making myself say 'fine, I won't talk to you' and not mean it. When I detest someone's childishness, I won't regret hating it. Let her be lar. 19 liao still like super cacat, macam 8 year old.
Mum: Aiyah, forget it lar. Toh hui si ah, talk to this kind of person. (Toh hui si = Can die vomitting blood [in Hokkien])
Me: *goes on screaming about what a kid she is while she locks herself in her room and blasts music trying not to hear us*
Who was the one who asked me to 'grow up'?
I think you should take a step back, look in the mirror and tell yourself that. Have fun trying to swallow your pride once again to talk to me. This time, try not to humiliate yourself. Otherwise, your stupidity will render you as a laughing stock. A childish one at that as well. Don't rely on everyone else when you can't do something alone. Don't call others what you are yourself. And last of all, don't you dare try to break up my family with your parasite ways and immaturity.
Because I couldn't care less if you grew up and became bankrupt or landed yourself in trouble because of your own dumbassness. You know I won't, either.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 4:18 pm
Friday, January 14, 2005
We now have a funky classroom. Party-ish display board, the front designs are like, SO cute (kudos to Syaz for organising) and totally wub-able.Today, min had a new mp3 player, and brought it to school. I think I'm the only female in class left without a mp3/discman. *sigh* Gonna get one soon. Bwahaha! Her songs are so nice, alot of anime ones. Ranged from Recca no Honou to Weiss Kruez, of which -both- I like a lot. Must request Noel to help me find. XD!
But yes after school, our class will turn into a 'discotheque', provided Nick's iPod is there, of course. I pretty much like school; withOUT the homework. =D Anyhow, I have to finish up the Duty Roster. Tom Chan is so gonna hammer me if he finds out I haven't completed it yet.
Nothing else to blog today, working a way to think about an idea for the roster. Ciao~
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 1:33 pm
Thursday, January 13, 2005
As I mentioned before once in my blog; Secondary five.. Bigshots? Hahh.We're nowhere near anything near Express status. Nowhere near their intelligence. Nowhere near the ability nor the responsibility.
I had to do detention for both Lit and Humanities today. Go me. I just reached home and started to do my blogging and yes, whine here. Whine whine whine.
Anyway, it started out okay. I completed ALL my maths and I mean -ALL-. Mrs Chiu was rather surprised, I guess. Review, 1B, Holiday Assignment, and yesterday's homework. See, so guai... *slaps self* No lar. Kudos to yindi and min who helped me yesterday, I was only then able to complete it.
Then it was PE. Didn't bring attire. Suay bo..
Followed by a nice session of HUMANITIES. Hooray. Having your DM for Humanities teacher is NOT good. I cried while he scolded the seven of us.
1) I was feeling guilty because he just came back from malaysia (will not reveal reason why he went there) and had to get angry because of us.
2) He had to hurt it further by saying "you don't deserve to be among the Top 5 students in N level".
...he's right. I don't.
I didn't work my way to get there. I'm fucking irresponsible, I'm a born procrastinator, and I hate working hard to achieve something UNLESS it's something I really want. Putting 3 A1's on my wishlist was merely something that I could just drool and dream for. I did NOT study for my N's. I did not even lift a finger to care. I don't deserve it, he's right. I'd rather give it to someone else who deserves it more, and just study in school w/o doing homework. Seriously, if school was like that, I will not hesitate to try harder during exams. With homework, and piling up EVERYDAY, I am not able to cope, seeing that I have never done homework myself since I was Primary One.
I spent my recess crying and thinking about this. I was reminded about my lit of which I have not finished, and cried harder thinking of how much I actually have let my teacher down. I don't deserve any of her help. I don't deserve what should be called a "bright future".
When Mr Chan saw that I was crying after recess, he decided not to go any further on my absence of attire during PE. I was grateful.
When Literature lesson came, everyone hurried to finish up the work. I knew I couldn't, and Mrs Hoe was already collecting bags. She didn't catch me, thinking that I had finished. Again, being the total IDIOT I am, I handed my bag over. Yay. Time for detention after school. Oh wait, now I have TWO. Double-yay.
I stayed in class after school to try and finish my literature, but with the intense amount of noise, I could not complete it. Tiger wanted to see us, too. We went down, got a blasting, and had to stay back. Yay. No recess, no lunch. We were only allowed to leave when we had finished.
Nick and I were the only two trying to finish, since the others had finished it faster than us and by some other means/ways. We finished it together, and had to wait for Tiger to release us. While we were waiting, Nick was telling me what impression Junhao gave of him.
A rude idiot.
Guess what? I totally AGREE.
His old nick on MSN read: "To~th0s3~wh0~diDn'T~mak3~f0r~sEc~5~t00~b@d~Ha~ha~hA~HA" or something like that. I did recall I hated snobs. I also recall I HATE people who tyPe LiKe ThiS and St4rt t0 us3 nuMb3r5 @nd 5ymb0|s t0 typ3. I remember telling off Sean for typing like tHaTz, and now I see that he's stopped, rather. ANYWAY. Back to jh. Both of us agreed he had become some incredibly rude fuckhead, and with pride that he tries to show off when he is actually an ALGERNON. Yes my fellow Literature people, that laboratory mouse.
Nick: "So rude sia, on MSN he say 'eh bastard' to me."
Me: "Wtf?"
Nick: "Yah lar, then I said (okay I forgot what Nick said x_x), and he said 'shut up lar fucker'"
Me: "... Fucking idiot he is. (goes on to explain what he did when he spoke to me on MSN with that rude nick on) and he goes '_|_'. I was like.. whatever."
Nick: "Stupid sia he!"
And yes, that was part of our conversation. The rest.. was about him insulting Tiger. Mean ass he is. >>
Anyway, when Mrs Hoe gave me back my bag when I told her the classrooms were locked, I found that my wallet, Fai's nametag, tie and key were missing from my front pocket, and that the zip was left open. I was shocked and wondered how the HELL I was to go home. She went "I'm sorry dear, but I have no responsibility over this.." (I hate it when people say that.. x_x) "*sigh* Why does this have to happen you, dear." (Bah, at least she cares. BE MY AUNT! NOT NICK'S!) Anyway, when she opened the HoD room door, she went "Glooriiiaaa. Come here." I ran over, and stared at her finger which was pointing on the floor, and there lay my wallet, Fai's nametag and my key. I wanted to ask "where's my tie?" but I just acted dumb, thanked her and scooted off lest I got into more trouble.
Went home after Tiger collected Nick and my work.
On my way to the lift, I saw these few kids playing soccer at the void deck. One particular boy kicked it too far and went "sia laarr", so I thought he was one of the malay kids. Was rather tanned too. He ran up beside me since the ball was kicked around 10 meters in front of me while I was walking, looked up beside me, and smiled. Pretty cute kid, I thought. So I smiled back. Being shorter than me, I noticed his hair was purple. Dyed it, doh.
Him: *looks at me* What?
Me: *points to own head* Rambut kau, nicey. (don't know if I spelt it right, I know my malay sucks. But anyway what I tried to say was 'your hair, nice' in malay)
Him: *puzzled look*
Me: *puzzled look as well*
Him: Ni hui jiang hua yu ma? (Can you speak chinese?)
Me: *wtf is going on..?* Err, ke yi. (I can)
Him: Haha, wo shi sec one leh! (I'm sec one!)
Me: *still doesn't know wtf's going on* Oh, okay..
Him: Ni ye shi hor? (You too, right?)
Me: ... kns. *walks off)
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 6:32 pm
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Yindi's 17th birthday is tomorrow!Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Yindiii..
Happy birthday to yooooou~!
*glomps Yindi*

Next year and you'll treat all of us for liquor yay~ Oops. .-.
Alfie has left for Holland, according to min. He'll be back soon bah, don't worry. Meanwhile you just have to be patient lor, okie? *hugs*
Today, Tom let us listen to music while we did our English work. To my utmost surprise, he listens to Disney AND Delta Goodrem, both of which many know I favour as a music source. I practically mouthed every word of the songs, because I didn't want to disturb the class. The last song, 'When you say nothing at all' by Ronan Keating started playing, you could hear Sean, Nick, Jiamin, Yanliang (ahh yes I heard you! =P) and I think I heard Zichun. Of course, me and min made no less of a performance. XD! Overall, quite nice lesson today lar. Not bad not bad.
After school, I had to trouble yindi and min as they helped me do my homework while I was doing the display board at the back... gomen ne~ ._. I was really touched, and err, a bit guilty as I couldn't make them do work they've already done. T-T
Anyway after all that, we left for Lot 1 and decided to buy yin a present. She wanted shoes, but didn't seem to like any on sale, or even if she liked it, there wasn't a size for her. >< We then rampaged other stores for a nice tee for her, and she settled for a 14-buck nice black tee. Looked pretty on her, too. ^^ We went for lunch/dinner after, where Min and I had carrot cake, and she had err, chee chong fan (spell check! ><). We decided to mess up our leftovers, but the cleaner came and reprimanded us. I was stifling my laughter and when she left, the three of us burst in laughter. I ordered drinks, and min was merely taking the ice to shoot out of straws. ~_~ She hit the metal chairs with a 'ping' sound, and since I was curious, I decided to try. After I shot one and missed (yeah, I know I suck .-.), Yindi burst out in laughter.
Us: "What's wrong?"
Yin: "Gloria.. *laughs* She shoot that time her expression so funny.. *goes on laughing some more*
*both turn to look at me*
Min: "Eh Gloria do one more time let me see!"
By that time, all of us were imagining how I shot it, and I myself was laughing to bits. Don't blame us for laughing so much, we're born that way. .-.
After we bade each other goodbye since Min and Yin take the LRT and I take the bus, I decided to take out my Maths book lest anyone called me a freaking sec one again.
At my void deck, I saw this Indian man with newspapers (probably the 'delivery boy'?) not wanting to enter the lift. I caught a glimpse of a green skirt, and instantly knew it was that snob at the 13th floor. (Her mother had either called the police/complained to Town Council for a supposed 'sexual harrasment' when the Indian sweeper greeted her "Good morning" like he does to everyone else. Also, she has probably taught all her daughters that 'never enter the lift with anyone else.) I saw the man attempt to enter, but was cut short by the door closing. I rushed to the button, pressed it open, and walked in triumphant. I gave her that ever-feral smile, and glared at her in the lift. I hate snobs like her. She is NOWHERE rich status, goes to a F*CKING lousy school, and thus you have NO right to occupy the lift all for yourself. And no, boys and men, she is NOWHERE near chio-ness either. Spectacles, ugly long and unkept hair tied in a most repulsive ponytail, and her uniform doesn't even tell me I should respect her. Oh, she has no boobies as well. FLAT SNOB. Har har.
Anyway, I slammed my hand on the 15th storey button on the lift, and I don't know why I did that. Probably because I could live in a higher floor so I could glare at her ugly snobface longer. Har har. The Indian delivery man, after much consideration, pressed 16 and backed away from her. I suppose she smelt horrible, too. Tsk. After she exited the lift, I made no rude comments since 1) I was still in my school uniform and 2) I didn't want the Indian guy to learn bad words from a girl =O! I immediatly pressed 'Close Door' and was -that- close of getting her skirt stuck in the lift door. Damn.
Please pardon me if I sound evil today, it was really fun mocking a snob. =D
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 6:30 pm
Sunday, January 09, 2005
This is a Jan 07 account, I just got too pissed these few days to write it on my blog.WARNING: SUPER LONG POST/RANT/WHINING
I thought it was bad waking up late. Instead of waking up at 5.10, I startled myself awake and realised it was 6.30. I jolted to the service balcony, and started to iron my clothes in a rush. 1) My clothes were still crumpled after ironing, 2) my finger was red in colour as I had burnt myself.
I then forgot to wake up my dad and cook breakfast. We had to eat bread in the end. -_-;
Could things be any worse?
Apparently it did.
Our lovely car's remote control just HAD to malfunction. Used the key to unlock the doors, but the freaking alarm rang when the doors were opened. Couldn't do anything to fix it; the batteries of the remote were dead. I told my dad to just get in the car and shut the doors and drive. So we drove off in an alarm-ringing car, and after 30 seconds of ringing, it stopped to my relief. My ears were hurting.. =s
As we reached the school, I asked myself a question. 'If I opened the door, wouldn't it cause the alarm to ring again?'
No shit, sherlock.
How fun is it to have people look at your car as you exit? Not any if it's a car that drives off, sounding it's alarm as loud as ever. How freaking embarrassing could this day go?
I happened to be thinking how suay I was today. I kept bumping into people, and they walked off muttering, "wah lao, stupid sec 1 dunno how to walk sia.." I could've SWORN I would hit them in the head and tell them I was sec 5. Apparently my jacket was covering my red name tag, but hell... if I had a newspaper roll I would smack up their willies and regret calling me a sec one. Instead of retaliating and preventing myself from looking like an idiot if I hurt him badly, I stormed off in anger.
I reached my class, tired as f*ck, and realised the countless amounts of homework I have not finished. I couldn't do any, and was rendering myself helpless to the many teachers up ahead.
During recess, I had to run 3 rounds around the field. Some guy came up to me, smiled and said "(in chinese) Hi, you want to eat ma?" I gave him a o_O look, and continued my rounds. My calves freaking hurt and I reminded myself pessimistically that I had 72 steps to climb later, and that I haven't eaten recess.
School wasn't that bad. Jiamin bought me recess, but I didn't get to eat it. I think it's still in school.. WTFOMGBBQFCKU. o_o!!
After school, Tom Chan asked me to stay back and finish all my 5 EWs, when I had already finished three (when I had only finished one =x) and promised him to do the last '2' at home and email it to him. "If you don't finish it by 4, I'll call you back to school to do it.", he said. I was then allowed to leave the class after I had done my job as a Co-head of Management, by placing every Target Setting form on the walls, and do every duty that was left undone.
After I finally left the school gates, I almost tripped and fell on the rocks. Counting my lucky stars that I didn't flop over like some ugly fish, I pretended nothing happened and crossed the road to my bus.
On the bus, I actually smiled at a guy for no particular reason, and he smiled back. Okay, I'm weird. Why the HELL did I do that for? I swear I don't know him. I decided not to want to start a convo, so I sat somewhere else instead.
Getting home, I walked down that slope as usual, and heard a "THUMP". I thought I fell, but I was still intact and standing up. I turned around and saw a mother and child fall. Like a normal human being, I reached out my hand to the child to notion aid. He looked the other way and merely cried out for his mother. 'Okaaayy..' I told myself not to get pissed. I offered help to the mother, but she swiped my hand away and said "nevermind". I mean, WHAT THE F*CK?
At the lift, I saw a fellow BPian. She was wearing a green tag, so obviously lower sec. I entered the lift 1st, and waited for her. At least she said thanks. Made my day a little better.
Me: You're.. sec 1?
Her: Yup.
Me: Oh, okay.
Her: ...You too?
Me: Errm, no.
Her: *chuckles*
*reaches her floor*
Her: Oh, okay, cya next time. *smiles*
Just because I was without my name tag after school.. does NOT make me a sec 1.
I then got to my computer, turned it on, and quickly did all essays, with the help of Noel (thanks =*). At 3.45, I completed all 4, and was in time to email it. It happened to take forever to upload with Hotmail, so I decided to split one big file into five.
By my stupidity, I deleted the whole thing and worse off, I pressed SAVE. Yay. Hours of work gone just like that *snaps*. I got freaking pissed off, and decided not to do any of them until Jerrold forced me to, much later.
I completed everything by 6pm, and I still have one more left. "A time i was fearful" being the topic. HELLO. Why are WE getting PRIMARY SCHOOL topics? You expect us to purposely think of childish ideas? *sigh* This won't work.. I can't think of anything till now.
I need help.
I need a hug. ._.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 1:25 pm
Thursday, January 06, 2005
This week is one HELL of a hectic week.Shall I read to you what I got in my handbook? (Yes, I'm finally putting these shiet to use, I must say they're rather spiffy, in fact.)
Files to buy:
-Orange ring file => Chem
-Blue ring file => English
-Yellow plastic => Biology
English - 4 more essays
History/SS - Hist. Source based, Structured/Essay. SS.. Same.
Duty Roster - Die die must finish!
Maths holiday HW - ..copy lar.
Maths Exercise 1B - No graph paper again.. -_-
Literature - Forgot what to do for that.
SO FREAKING MUCH TO DO IN ONE DAY. And Tom complains about having a lot of marking to do. Riiight. Can we please switch places for one day, ensuring you finish my work and I'll finish marking yours?
Music has been my sole source of aid. Kudos to Noel and Weixiang my two kawaii no musuko, *^3^* my hectic week has been reduced and also been much more.. relaxing, rather. Noel offered plenty of songs while I blasted them and yelled along, whereas Weixiang had allowed my fave song to be placed in my blog. Love live Dido~ Banzaaii~
But.. ARGH.
This year, my school has gotten so gay, we needed a 'discipline commitee' of teachers. Of which one has gotten a nice nickname entitled "Tiger de ha ba gou" which I THINK means tiger's little doggie. Don't blame me, my chinese is teh suXx0r. Can't read/write/translate for nuts. He has set new rules; NO ankle-length socks, they have to be 5 cm above the back of the shoe (TOTALLY gay), NO coloured bras, NO fringes, NO tucking out of shirts, NO wearing of jackets outside the classroom unless you're with medical reason, NO placing of books under your tables (will rant on this later on. If NO teacher takes my word into any heed, I WILL bring this up to the Principal, and I will ENSURE this ha ba gou gets OUT of the school, even if it's the last thing I do in this school) and if you violate any of them (all of which I am at the moment), you will be given a form and blah-blah-blah. His favourite catch phrase: "I don't like to do this. In fact, I hate doing this. And since you make me do something I hate and don't like, I will make you do something you don't like."
1) No one EVER wanted you to care. EVER.
2) He came in saying "I had high expectations of this school,
3) No placing of books under the table? YOU WANT US TO F*CKING CLIMB UP 4 STOREYS EVERYDAY WITH A F*CKING HEAVY BAG? No, don't you DARE say this will be 'good for health'. Students with a hunchback at early age is NOT good for health. Also, they built the tables that way FOR A REASON. NO MORON IS MORONIC ENOUGH TO STEAL BOOKS THEY ALREADY HAVE. Lockers, you say? We have only 120 at the 2nd floor. HOW IS THAT ENOUGH TO STORE OVER A 1000 STUDENTS' BOOKS? Considering that every ONE of us has OVER 20-30 books?! Use your blain, use your blaiiinn...
4) "I am a licensed barber. If I see hairstyles that are not allowed, I will shave them off with my rusty razor." Note the word 'rusty'. LICENSED BARBERS KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE RUSTY BLADES. If ANY of our schoolmates do get shaved by you, and get CUT and BLEED, I will so clap and applaude when they sue you for attempted murder. Tetanus may kill, thank you very much.
5) Jackets are NOT a form of uniform-modification. We are COLD. Jackets are meant to keep us WARM, not a form of fashion. Maybe to a certain extent, yes. BUT WHO THE HELL WEARS A JACKET ON A HOT DAY YAH? We wear it because we are COLD.
6) 'No coloured/branded bras' DOUBLE-EEW-TEE-EFF?! Coloured I don't really give a shit, but WHY THE HELL do you specify BRANDED!?! For heaven's sake, we don't need to TELL you what brand of undergarments we wear. You noticed how UNSHAMEFUL you are for picking ONLY girls?
7) Ankle-length socks. When it was 3 cm, none of us minded. Now you want us to wear it to 5 cm. HOW FREAKING MUCH OF AN IDIOT ARE YOU. Even if Tiger did state so, I do recall hearing that he DOESN'T give two hoots about socks, just that if it's unseen, you're a dead student. I don't want to walk past ANYONE with socks as high as my knee or anywhere close to that. They're comfy at my ankles.
8) This is to promote a condusive environment? BULLCRAP. This is making students pissed, and definitely NOT happy. We get NO sense of freedom, NO sense of right to feel the way we should in school, and that would equal to NO condusive environment. You want our school to turn into a military battalion? Dream on. If I have my last wish when leaving this school, it would be for you, the new 'ha ba gou', to be FIRED. OUT. BANISHED. E-X-P-E-L-L-E-D.
9) If nothing is done when I negotitate, I will ensure a rebellion, and you'll render yourself helpless to the students. PHEAR US.
10) You are going to regret doing this. Ever.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 8:18 pm
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
I'm still procrastinating on my english homework, have not finished (touched, rather) my maths, and I'm trying to rush my class' duty roster now. I have totally NO ideas whatsoever this year, but I assure you I will not let my class nor myself down (I hope! >_<). Anyhow, I don't intend to be a failure, but I seriously hope I'm not being too bossy. o_o What the heck, I don't know what I'm saying. ._.Went 'shopping' with Yindi today at (laughing comes around.. here) Lot1 (yes, laugh! I shop at a mall! o_o). Just for normal items like cardboard paper, while she hunted for files. We got all our stuff, and realised the queue was UBER long. We gave up attempting to queue up, and I exclaimed "I'm not wasting 30 minutes of my life just to give 90 cents to some lady." We then walked to some VCD shop, where I was looking for The Bourne Supremacy/Identity, and apparently the lady seemed so cheena she probably didn't understand what I asked. I bet it's all chinese VCDs she specialises in. Har har. Then we popped into Sembawang (the shop, not the place ~_~), where I was like "zomg, U2's CD!" and it merely cost 20 bucks! Well, 20.90, but hell, I had 48 in my wallet, I was soooo tempted. But I have to save up 10 for a new bottle (I couldn't find the one like min's in Mini Toons *bawls*), another 10 or so for somebody (can't reveal just yet.. XD), and 19 for Tom Chan and my school shiet. I then strolled to Comics Connection, where Yindi was looking aw all the kawaii toys while I bought the 4th volume of Saiyuki Reload. Bahahaha. I don't look like a comic collector now, do I. ._. Well I do, GTFO. *boots* I remembered Haobin still owes me my books. I either have to force him to bring it, or go over to his house, kick him in the ass, and take em. God I sounded evil there ._. Alright, I'll leave the 'take em' part alone. He needs a kick in the ass for taking it for two years though! v_v;;
PS: Matt Damon = hawtt.
PPS: New wanted item: Harry Potter's new book which I hear is coming out on.. 16th July.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 6:29 pm
Monday, January 03, 2005
I am missing something in my life.I can't talk to him without having my heart skip a beat.
I am not trying to do what everyone thinks I am.
I can't hold out much longer.
I am not having an infatuation.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
I am so dead if I said it.
I can't say it.
I won't say it.
I couldn't.
And I don't know why... *sigh*
She hurts him like he was just a rag doll without feelings. Pierces him. The excruciating pain he bears, the overpowering sorrow he goes through.. he forgets it immediately the minute he is able to make her smile, even for a second. After that, he doesn't mind even if she tears him apart. I can't bear to see this bs go on. I want to stop it, but he won't let me. Who the hell can put up with such torture? She doesn't love him, she merely uses him. Toys with him. Just for the fun of it. I already told him she already had someone else, but he was such a stubborn ass. Pfffft, men. I couldn't possibly just take him and show him when they were together, it would totally break his heart, knowing the kinda person he is, I would say he would commit suicide over this. I don't even know what I'm feeling here; I don't love him. I don't... right? Yeah, he's just a good friend who's being used. I'm just trying to show him what's true, so that the truth won't hurt as much as finding it out later by himself. I don't want to know what's going to happen to me if he should kill himself over her. Why the hell do people want to be so rash? THINK people, THINK. Feeling very ranty. Bitchy, rather. ARGH. *pulls out hair from head* Damn it, why can't he just wake up....
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 6:40 pm
Well, school just started, and I just came home from school. XD
Was appointed Co-Head of Management, and errr.. you could say I kinda like being able to be part of helping out the class 'layout' for the last and final year. Yindi's our chairperson again, and of course, no one objected since she did such a great job last year. *applaudes =D* Nasri got appointed as Vice-Chairperson with outstanding unanimous votes. He was an excellent leader last year as Head of Management, so I don't see why he should not be 'promoted' this year. ^^ Sean is our Head of Management, whom I'm working with.. *hopes I can get along x_x* Jie Min voted for being Head of Functions, of which we were all like "whoa.. not bad sia =o". Also, Fa'izah and Junhao are our Heads of Welfare (YES ladies and gentlemen, the amazing 1000-year demon pervert from hell is our WELFARE HEAD. Phear!). Ye ba AKA Yan Liang is once again our English Co-ordinator, and Isaac voted for being the AVA Co-ordinator. Weird, this year everyone's being so voluntary. *wipes tear from eye*
Anyhow, I was SO thankful I did not have to hand up any of my homework, of which everyone knows I don't do anyway. Currently I intend to finish my EW today, all five essays, send it to Tom Chan, and copy my math tmr. After which on Wed I will finish my Humanities, and on Thursday, I will complete the duty roster which I was tasked to do. T-T Already settled who's on which day, I just need to plan who's doing what, and I need to design everything. My GOD, this is so hectic. -_- Wish me luck, I'm gonna go complete it.
I feel like torturing someone... Raawrrr. *lashes whip* Don't disturb me now, or you'll have to talk to my whip. *cracks whip and swings it around*
Someone's SN was like "I would fly you to the moon and back, if you'll be.... if you'll be my baby" I remembered that song was very nice. Looked it up, and turned out it was from Savage Garden. One particular band I like. Anyway, lyrics here.
She's taking her time making up the reasons
To justify all the hurt inside
Guess she knows from the smiles
And the look in their eyes
Everyone's got a theory about the bitter one
They're saying
Mama never loved her much
And daddy never keeps in touch
That's why she shies away from human affection
But somewhere in a private place
She packs her bags for outer space
And now she's waiting for
The right kind of pilot to come
(and she'll say to him)
She's saying
I would fly you to the moon and back
If you'll be, if you'll be my baby
Got a ticket for a world where we belong
So, would you be my baby?
She can't remember a time
When she felt needed
If love was red then she was color-blind
All her friends they've been trialed for treason
And crimes that were never defined
But she's saying
Love is like a barren place
And reaching out for human faith
Is like a journey I just don't have a map for
So baby gonna take a dive andpush the shift to overdrive
Send a signal that she's hanging all her hopes onthe stars
(What a pleasant dream) just saying
I would fly you to the moon and back
If you'll be, if you'll be my baby
Got a ticket for a world where we belong
So, would you be my baby?
Mama never loved her much
And daddy never keeps in touch
That's why she shies away from human affection
But somewhere in a private place
She packs her bags for outer space
And now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot
To come (and she'll say to him)
She's saying
I would fly you to the moon and back
If you'll be, if you'll be my baby
Got a ticket for a world where we belong
So, would you be my baby?
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 3:24 pm
Sunday, January 02, 2005
I celebrated my grandmother's birthday yesterday. She's.. 69. And looks nothing like it, probably due to the fact that she was once a cop. *hears little gasps here and there* I was pretty much shocked myself, I thought she was a housewife all her life, thus the superb cooking. Ranges from Chinese Herbal Chicken to Hilton Hotel's Fruitcake and even as well as the Peranakan specialty; Babi Buah Keluak or w/e that spelt. I'm such a failure if I'm Peranakan. ._. Anyhow, she didn't cook though, we went to Ang Moh Kio Ave 3 to some.. kopitiam to eat. *sigh* I hate kopitiams, but I suppose so long as they like it.. I'm fine with it. We had some nice stuff, sweet and sour pork, butter and chilli crab (both of which I didn't have much since they were spicy [yes, I don't take spicy stuff, another reason why I don't think I'm singaporean/chinese/peranakan]), scallop and some greens, as well as some baby squid thingy. I liked that one, although it was spicy. Damn. Anyhow, my sister was definitely reluctant to go, as usual. She didn't eat much, gave that sorta look like 'buay song'. Can't stand it. -_-We then went to their house to cut the cake, which they claimed Auntie Pang gave (was small, and I'm not surprised why they call her kiam siap >_>). I liked her husband, Uncle Kai, because he used to own an ice-cream shop in taka after he retired as a Principal (as well as Auntie Pang, both of them were Principals.. and they were like "Gloria, you better get 6 A1's ah!") and always had the kind-looking face. Or rather, the 'nice-principal' sorta look.
We watched Ocean's Eleven there as well, Matt Damon.. <3!
Anyway, when we went home, I told my sister off in the car because she kept wanting mum's money to uy herself a new bag when our grandmother already handed the both of us 50 dollars and I gave my mum 10 just to keep her quiet. =x I ticked off my sister saying that she was only caring about herself, and she flew into a temper, stuck out a tongue like a 4-year old, and stopped talking. Would've slapped her, but I decided not to since my parents were present. Immature shit. After my dad parked the car, she stormed off, probably to Farhan's place. Poor him, she was probably asking him for the 400 bucks as well.
anyhow whacked by gloria @ 9:19 pm